My first grow (help needed!) PICS


Active Member
Hey all, It has took me a while to collect parts for my growroom and finally i have started. I am currently 3 weeks into my first grow, i started out with 6 kc36 cross kc33 clones and one unknown.:-? Before getting my clones i had intended to grow in soil , but a friend of mine talked me into using rockwool as he has great success, so this is my set up-

Hydro garden
600w hps
carbon filter
rvk 100 extractor extracting through roof
Oscilating fan

As i said a friend talked me into using his potting method, which is a large pot with a layer of red clay pebbles in the bottom then rockwool slabs then another layer of clay pebbles.

This is what i did. My light is about 1.5m above the plants for 1 week

Soaked medium in ph adjusted water

Transplanted clones into large pots.

Took about 5 days to use up the water, plants looking yellow as they are taking root 2 die:cry:

Give plants first feed (my friend said use full strength)

I feed them "ionic hydro grow" at full strength with a drop of Hydrogen peroxide i the solution.

Week 2 they are lookin good, feed them again.

After the third watering the leaves suddenly started showing dark greyish tips which also seemed to be affecting the new leaves. I instantly panicked and flushed them all thoroughly, thinking i had maybe nuted the shit out of them, that was 2 days ago and it doesn't seem to be any worse, it's just that they look really dull and not lucious green and i don't like the look of the grey tinges on the tips. Hopefully flushing them has prevented any damage. if it is nute burn:?

I dont know if i'm being paranoid, but i would appreciate it if somebody could give me an idea as to what i maybe doing wrong.

I will post pics later.



Well-Known Member
Dude no worries. So this is a nute burn. How old are the clones? Have they been feeding the clones before you got them?

They just got pull into new pots. Theygota get used to their grow medium 1st. Let tv shock of the transplant go away 1st. 2weeks seems like they should of got used to it.
So you should have started any nute feedings at 1/4 the strength of the recommended dose suggested by the bottles label. You got to gradually start feeding your plant. This plant is kinda young & it will have real curious roots that wana feed. Their gona take whatever they find. This overloads a plants root intake & stresses the plant.
You have to make sure the ph of the water is stable before you add any nutes & you should check it after the nutes. If the ph isn't in a correct balance the roots can't take any nutes.
Major stress because now the plants phtotsynthesis process is making her more stressed out too.

Flush her with water for a week or two. Check up on her she will appreciate fresh water she can use to heal herslf. Make sure the lights aren't too hot & keep the grow room at a stable temp. Time heals all man.
1/4the nute potency once you notice the plants ok to feed again.
Do not trim leaves unless they are 100% dead. The more leaves the more open stomatas the plant has obsorbing enegy to get a healthy sugar making process going again.
Def check ph balance in water before you feed too.
& good luck man.
Just hope I was helpful.


Active Member
thanks for your help 1lastgodsend, any help is better than none!, i dont know the age of the clones, just that they were tiny when i put them in the pots, they were well rooted in thier cubes, and are definately well rooted now, it is exactly 14 days since i transplanted them. I'm not sure that my problem is nute burn, i forgot to mention that i have been using vinegar to lower the ph of my water, could this cause a problem?.

when you say flush them for a week, how many times? i gave them a good flushing 3 days ago and the pots are still heavy, shouldnt i wait for the pots to get lighter before doing it again? they will probably take a week to dry out!. I don't want to drown them.


Active Member
any ideas whats causing the discolouration of the leaves? could it be because i started giving them full strength nutes straight away? do you think they look ok for two weeks growth?
I was thinking of letting them use up the water i flushed them with, then i was going to use your advice and use 1/4 strength nutes, then gradually raise the dose.



Well-Known Member
Did you make sure the 600watt system isn't too flow to the plants? Let the buckets go dry before you water again. Not too dry rockwool is best kept a bit moist but flush at least 2wice maybe the plant will come back.
I'm not sure about the vinegar to balance the ph. Never tried it so I wudnt know the bad side to it. Try not to give any nutes till it comes back to a healthy state


Active Member
my light is a good distance away from the plants, so you think i should flush the rockwool again when they dry out a bit more, and don't add anymore nutes until they are looking healthier? won't i stunt their growth by feeding them just water for the next week? Do you think the plants look like they are suffering from nute burn?
thanks for the advice man.


Well-Known Member
my light is a good distance away from the plants, so you think i should flush the rockwool again when they dry out a bit more, and don't add anymore nutes until they are looking healthier? won't i stunt their growth by feeding them just water for the next week? Do you think the plants look like they are suffering from nute burn?
thanks for the advice man.
I'm a bit confuse about what your asking me now.
Does the problem look like it may be nute burn? -yes.
Should you flush more then twice a week? -no.
Why? -you don't want to suffocate your plants roots.
So I shouldn't add any nutes till it's healthy? Exactly let the plant heal.
Will using just water stunt it's growth? -no. Feeding it nutes at a full strength didn't help it so how about letting It go easy & rest.


Active Member
are u making sure ur of ur ph in ur rez? that can mimick alot of heat and nute problems
i don't have a rez mate, i am hand watering only,i have been adjusting the ph before every feed with vinegar, they seem to be picking up today,the leaves seem to be a bit greener. I will flush them again in a couple of days with a little liquid oxygen, and see how it goes.


Active Member
Its been 4 days since i flushed my babies and the pots still feel as if they have quite a bit of water in them, do you think it is safe to flush them again or should i just wait?

Would adding hydrogen peroxide to the water when i flush, help?

the new leaves are still showing a grey tinge on the tips, but overall i think they still look quite healthy

Flush or wait?



Well-Known Member
Flush or wait?
(PICS BELOW)[/quote]

id wait an see wat ya new growth comes through like! they look good to me m8 2 be honest jus go half strength on nute till at least 8 nodes or so then full for last two weeks of veg every other watering. gd luck:joint:


Active Member
thanks for the input sweetsmoker, since i flushed them 5 days ago there have been a few new growths all with this strange grey tinge on the tips of the leaves, i am confused as to whether or not i should flush them again or add 1/4 dose of nutes


Well-Known Member
i wud jus do water at the mo fella, those tips aint really gunna b a problem for ya. you know ya plants give em water for a while then switch bck 2 nutes at half dose wen u feel its right.. wat r ya temps in ya room wind burn can cause curling and sharp leaf edges etc? but again no biggie, but always better if you can sort it out:) youll be fine m8 they look healthy


Active Member
i wud jus do water at the mo fella, those tips aint really gunna b a problem for ya. you know ya plants give em water for a while then switch bck 2 nutes at half dose wen u feel its right.. wat r ya temps in ya room wind burn can cause curling and sharp leaf edges etc? but again no biggie, but always better if you can sort it out:) youll be fine m8 they look healthy
my temps are usually around 75-80.
The wind burn you mention, i have never heard of it, but you could have a point considering i have my oscillating fan running at 15 minute intervals all day.
thanks for the help mate, you made me feel better.