My first grow (in about 15 years).


Hey everyone. This is my first grow in about 15 years. I have always kept up with growing things because I do have a bit of a green thumb but this is the one that I have been wanting to do. I am using cfl's and ag7. This is week 3 since seed and although I did have some nute burns with the one on the left, I am pretty happy with the other one. I am going to start flowering next week. Any advice or comments would be appreciated. Have a great day all!


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Looks like you have some deficiencies brother, they will get worse as time goes on.

What pH of water are you using? If your water is too alkaline or acidic it can lock out certain nutrients.

Check the link below, full of great info. It also give you information on the pH level the nutes get locked at.