My First Grow Journal (White Widow)


Well-Known Member
Ok so i got a 2'x4'x5' grow tent with a 250 watt mh light right now for flowering stage i started these babys off with a 42 wat cfl and a humidity dome for about a week or so......humidity in my grow room is about 50% sometimes 60% and tempature goes up to 75-80 in the day and about 60 at night

The first couple pictures are of my grow for day 1-5.

the others are of today which is day 11 and 1 of my plants look a little funny like somethings wrong you will know which one it is by the pictures any comments will be great im gonna keep everybody posted day to day to check out my first grow with the dates, pictures, and times and all that other good comments comments comments help me out people......thanks



Well-Known Member
That rockwool looks soaked!

You havent started any nutes yet have you? Also check your PH to ensure its at 5.8


Well-Known Member
Yea I started nutrients yesterday in the deep water culture system....I gave them about half the amount needed to start them off slow......and ph is at about 6.6 right now I'm trying to adjust it slowly sothe plants go into do they look tho?


Well-Known Member
You need to get the PH down to need to wean it down slowly. Your plants look alive but could look a whole lot better if you get your Ph in order. Thats the starting point for ensuring healthy plants.


Well-Known Member
there r too young for nutes too. seedlings don't need nutes. the usual time is 3-4 weeks old then start nutes.


Well-Known Member
Ok so they are to young for nutrients.....I was told that once they have roots coming out everywhere they can have about half or a quarter of nuets.....but this is my first time so I really don't know.....but I have about half the amount of nuets in there right now should I leave them or switch out the water? I'm going to adjust it down to 5.8 right now I thought if I adjusted it too fastthe plants will go into shock but I guess not....ill post pictures in a few min.....thanks guys for all the help....


Well-Known Member
i would flush them and get those nutes out or u could be in big trouble soon when they shrivel up and die. even when they are ready for nutes u should only give them 1/4 of the dosage that it calls for...not 1/2. my plants are 10" tall and i'm still giving 1/4 nutes.


Well-Known Member
Ok I will flush it today put some fresh adjusted water only....i just lowered the ph right now like instructed to do so but i am going to have to change the water today to get the nuets are some pictures of today Which is
Day 12 Jan 01, 2010 humidity level is about 50% with a temp. about 70F ph level is now at 5.6 but i will be swapping water out to get the nutrients i put in them out.....plants look to be doing ok but there not as green as i wanted them to be but there still young so lots of growing to do.....i appretiate all the help i have been receving and its exactly what i need to please feel free to keep the comments up good or bad im a beginner so all i can do is listen....thanks!!!



Well-Known Member
So its day 13 plants are looking ok some are bigger than others roots are growin pretty fast which is a good thing....humidity still at 50% temp. around 70F posting some pictures tomarrow cause for some reason they dont wanna upload.....any comments? thanks for lookin....

Posting pics 10:49pm please let me know if my plants look healty or not? Thanks



Well-Known Member
Ok So its day 14 2 weeks now from seeds and i think the plants are gonna take off and grow pretty fast.....there real light green i dont know if thats normal :?: so if anyone out there know please let me some pictures for everyone.....enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Ok so its day 15 and got new sets of leaves coming in roots are growing really really fast andim sure th plants are gonna take off now....i added the foil on the tub as you can see in the pictures and ill keep you updated with more pics tomarrow thanks and enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Pics for day 17 they look really droopy the roots are still growing pretty fast humidity is about 50% circulation is good i got 2 air pumps and airstones in the 10 gallon level is about 6.0 and the water level is at the bottom of the net pots....anybody got any info to help me out my plants look healthy but really droopy!


Well-Known Member
Bro, just remember what you have done to them and what you have "un-done" to them over the past several days. Of course they are going to show reactions. They are a bit stressed and will recover so long as you dont start dumping nutes into them and chasing a potential problem. Let them stablize, then start a very light nutrient solution like 1/4th the lowest recommended dosage. Make sure your ph is 5.8 and get rid of the foil. Foil creates hot spots and uneven light distribution.


Active Member
I would ditch the foil. Foil and mirrors actually absorb as much light as it reflects. Use a flat white or milar or even space blankets work(and cheap). Hang in there your plants look stressed but its not a death sentance yet. Looks like burn tho.


Well-Known Member
OK so I took the foil tape off last night and I also had to flush the nuets out and put new good 5.8 ph water i left the light on all night like someone told me to do...... not sure if i should switch it back to 18/6 or keep it on 24 hr but i think they look a little better today they look like there starting to perk back up a little bit but not much......i also lowered the water level about 3 inches under the net pots.....about the first set of leaves am i suppost to clip em or do they fall of themselves....and also how do they look guys? thanks for all the help too!



Well-Known Member
The new growth looks healthier. The new growth is showing no signs of burn and looks vigerious. I would stick with 18/6 only because its my personal preference. Let them go another day or two then ease back into the nutes. A bit of cal-mag wont hurt (3-4 ml per gal) and may help green them up a bit. Just be easy with it all and ensure proper ph. Just one or two points off and nutrient uptake changes. You are on a good road to recovery as long as you stay patient and precise.

:joint: ~Boneman


Well-Known Member
Ok my plants are looking worse and worse i thought they were perking back up slowly but i check again tonight and they look horrible i need some help to bring these things perky again quick and the bottom 1st true set of leaves are really turning any ideas? All these droopy plants are making me a bit mad.....anybody have any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Plants till looking pretty bad im not sure whats goin on with gonna go buy some calmag today and give them a some but i dont think thats gonna help the droopyness....there still growin dont get me wrong i got more new roots comin down from the netpot and new leaves coming from the top but the everythings droopy.....also the bottom first true sets of leaves are turning real are some pic....

