My first grow, problems during flowering. Will it be able to finish?

Hi! The light is Spiderfarmer SF1000, 100W LED. Should be full specrum, but could also be just marketing bs.
Set to 100% and is 19"-20" from the canopy.

Temps stay between 24c -25c and Rh is stable at 50%
Also an inline fan ventilating the air in the tent, the lung room is also ventilated all the time. Also an oscillating fan inside the tent, not directly pointed at the plant but still the leaves and branches wiggle by the moving air.
Pot is 3 gallon fabric pot. I know the pot is not optimal size.
Plant has a good shape but looks like it needs more ferts. Can't tell you much more about ferts since this is soil and I'm a hydro grower.

Your plant could use more light. That was apparent as soon as I saw the picture. Characteristics of cannabis plants that receive "modest" amounts of light is that they are tall and slender with a limited number of branches and a limited number of larger levels and they have significant internodal space. Your plant has all of these characterisists.

An SP1000 at 100% at 20" is about 500µµol. Per the PPFD map on the manufacturer's web site, at 18" the light is generating 557µmol in the center and 400±µmol in the corners. There are not "rules" about how much light to feed a plant but 600µmol is considered the minimum to provide a flowering cannabis plant.


The manufacturer's hang height recommendations are shown here. At 12" your plant will be receiving about 900µmol which is the median value for the commonly defined range of 800-1000µmol that is taken to be the light saturation point for cannabis.

These recommendations are in line with the recommended usage from other LED light manufactures.

Unless there's a reason why you plant is not able to use 900±µmol, I would strongly recommend that you feed your plants at that level.
I'd say your canna terra has long since lost any nutrition value and you should probably have been feeding every watering.

Also, recommend ph for canna terra is 5.8-6.2
I also thought of that but did not dare feed with every watering. Am I correct to assume that Canna Terra Lightmix should be treated almost like a coco after all the nutrients have depleted? Nutrient wise I mean..
Plant has a good shape but looks like it needs more ferts. Can't tell you much more about ferts since this is soil and I'm a hydro grower.

Your plant could use more light. That was apparent as soon as I saw the picture. Characteristics of cannabis plants that receive "modest" amounts of light is that they are tall and slender with a limited number of branches and a limited number of larger levels and they have significant internodal space. Your plant has all of these characterisists.

An SP1000 at 100% at 20" is about 500µµol. Per the PPFD map on the manufacturer's web site, at 18" the light is generating 557µmol in the center and 400±µmol in the corners. There are not "rules" about how much light to feed a plant but 600µmol is considered the minimum to provide a flowering cannabis plant.

The manufacturer's hang height recommendations are shown here. At 12" your plant will be receiving about 900µmol which is the median value for the commonly defined range of 800-1000µmol that is taken to be the light saturation point for cannabis.

These recommendations are in line with the recommended usage from other LED light manufactures.

Unless there's a reason why you plant is not able to use 900±µmol, I would strongly recommend that you feed your plants at that level.
I tired lower heights that the manufacturer specs suggested but I got lots of light stress (according to some feedback on another board)
I also thought of that but did not dare feed with every watering. Am I correct to assume that Canna Terra Lightmix should be treated almost like a coco after all the nutrients have depleted? Nutrient wise I mean..

Tbh peat based mixes are basically inert so you feed every watering. Usually at a much lower dose than what manufactures recommend.

Your plant is simply hungry, give a little more food but be cautious. Doesn’t need loads of food cause they’re ain’t much left to feed compared to if it was all green!!

Just learn for next run and refine your craft!

I’m finding using a light mix peat based soil you don’t even have to remove run off! Just feed lightly every watering. My plants are healthier than when I did remove run off
I also thought of that but did not dare feed with every watering. Am I correct to assume that Canna Terra Lightmix should be treated almost like a coco after all the nutrients have depleted? Nutrient wise I mean..
I'd listen to Nutty as he's definitely got experience with peat based medium and I'm a coco guy.
I tired lower heights that the manufacturer specs suggested but I got lots of light stress (according to some feedback on another board)
If you're interested in reviewing that, I'll be happy to provide a second opinion.

As much as the symptoms of too much light are easy to spot, it seems that a lot of growers, when looking at a plant that is having issues, gratuitously toss in the "you might want to turn the light down". That's unfortunate because when the light levels drop, food production is drops and that will slow down recovery.

I would be surprised if your grow could not use more light because I've only seen two grows (four years active on multiple cannabis sites) where the grow could not tolerate >500µmol. Both grows were on another site and, in both cases, 500± was a hard stop because of poor watering practices that had lead to the soil being hygrophobic.

In short, the symptom was that the plants couldn't tolerate > 500µmol. The root cause was that poor watering practices had lead to soil that was hygrophobic.

In those situations, the growers had reacted by turning down the light. That's called "solving the symptoms" and, of course, does not lead to solving the problem.

Given that cannabis will thrive at about double the amount of light that you're giving your plant, if your plant truly cannot tolerate more light, that indicates to me that the problem is with the grow not the plant.

If you're interested in revisiting that, let me know.
Hi! Thanks for everyone for your replies and advice! I really appreciate every reply!

I kind of think harvest time is not far away.
I still see few white pistil but I think most have turned orange.

I have been feeding her pretty well, but she is getting more and more yellow and I don't know how long I can push her going.

And bout the trichomes, I can't make much sense how the ratio is. I'm unable to focus properly with the loupe, at one point I might see most trichomes milky and after checking out again after hour on the same spot I see them mostly clear.
I tried to take few pics but they are blurry as hell, hopefully you guys can evaluate them better. Also the first pic looks really weird, I think my phone is doing some weird processing on the pics.

Looks like she has a couple weeks to go, ideally. There are still quite a few white pistils. Let them all turn brown and start to recede a little. A see very few amber trichs in your close up. Moreover, try to focus on the trichs directly on the buds rather than those on the sugar leaves, which will amber earlier. Good luck. I agree with some others that she looks like you could have upped the nutes. Looks a bit hungry. Next time. This is a good first grow, but don’t chop too early. Learn from the mistakes I and many others made on our first grows. Referring to another comment here, dense buds are great and a trait of many fine cultivars, and should be possible in a controlled indoor environment without fear of mold. Be patient. The dry and cure are also essential to the final product. Well done so far.
Thanks again for all the advice!

I also noticed that all the upper leaves at the top buds are getting really dry (like a paper) and clawing up. What could be causing this?
It has happened at all apical buds overnight. Other leaves are not like this and they feel normal.

I don't think it could be temps because temp stays between 24-25C (75-77F). RH is stable 50% all the time.
