My First Grow Room Guys


Active Member
Hey guys I'm new to this forum, and wanted to share my plans for my grow room. I plan on building it below my house in the crawl space. I don't have anywhere else to put it, so it will have to do. I'm planing on using a HPS lamp and growing 4-5 plants. As the room cant be found i'll have to put up some plywood for secrecy. I also will need to dig some dirt out to make the ceiling taller. The ceiling to floor clearance is 3 feet right now. I'll probably have to dig 3-5 feet of additional dirt out to make room for the plants and the light. I will also have to automate my watering as I will be gone for 5 days at a time for college. Anyone have any input on how often or how much? If it gets too cold in the room I will put a space heater in there that is attached to a thermostat to turn it on and off. I will have one fan blowing fresh air into the room and an other fan blowing the air outside. I'm going to burry the pipes that the air travells in so nobody can see them. I'm probably going to grow the snow white or ppp and get the feminized ones from nirvana.

Thanks Guys


Well-Known Member
Hi, Axi, from my limited experience I'd say that you probably would need to dig about 4-5 feet of dirt out, if you've got pics of the room it would be helpful as well, for instance how big is the entry to the room, etc. Also just speaking in terms of convenience, I think it would be nice to have some room to maneuver in an underground type place like that one.

Sounds like a nice room to grow in though and also pretty secret! Good luck!