My first grow/setup!


Active Member
Hey all, this is my first grow and my first grow room setup. Its a bit sketchy but I hope it will progress. My grow room is located in my crawl space. plastic storage box cut on both sides for air ventilation, small house fan, and 2 cfls.
As for the plants i have 4 ready to sprout, (bagseeds). Im using MC Organic Choice.

I could use any input.



Well-Known Member
Put your lights closer to your plants. When using cfls or floros they must be within inches of the tops to be benificial.


Well-Known Member
Hey! I got some input for you. Lots of ppl in here will tell you things like that is wrong and do this and that. Ill tell u dont take every advice youre given seriously and if something works for you its ok. I predict that the firt thing youll hear is You need more lights! One person told me that I need 400 watts of cfl for my grobox that is less than 2 sq foot and 40 cm high! Damn I almost burnt all my plants listening to such advice... Seedlings up to one week will grow fine with very little light as long as you keep it close like 2 inches 5 cm away. Truth is you will need more light in the process but avoid exagerating. I could help abit more but youll have to tell me more about your box... Does it have to be closed from above? if not that is good for ventilation and you can have more lights without overheating... How many plants do u intend to grow there? Oh and remember on the first days keep soil moist at all times it helps and water slowly so they dont come out the soil... How are you gonna germ them? Good luck!


Active Member
The box dooes NOT need to be closed from above, I intend to have 4 plants growing at all times (cutting out all males). and I germ'd them in a cup of water for about 2 days-ish.


Active Member
mylar was on my shopping list, everything i used was in my house at the time as this is sorta an expieremental grow also. more advice always help.


Well-Known Member
milar in my opinion is over rated! Flat white paint is the best and the cheepest! Foil is not good because it reflects more heat than light! I bought milar for my first round, what a waste of money. Use the thirty bucks you where going to spend on milar and get a 5 dollar gallon of white paint and 25 dollars worth of light bulbs( or something else you may need)


Active Member
Ok thanks dirtfree.
About the thermometer, I think the temp wouldnt be accurate because, im growing in my crawlspace which is a bit colder than my house temp. so I think the temp of the thermo. would fluxuate, i might be wrong? help a noob out.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Well, you dont have much space, Id consider switching to flower when they are like 4 inch high... how much height do you have to work with?


Well-Known Member
you want a thermometer in there no matter what. Even if your house is a different temp. You dont need to care about your home temp, just that room..
Kill the foil.

More lights would be nice. But for your experimental, just wait on it for a couple of days.


Active Member
don't us aluminum foil it will burn your plants, they will have burn marks. get mylar you can order it from for $13.95 for a 25 foot by 50 inch witch is a good thing b/c mylar is a good and cheap reflector. bongsmilie


Active Member
one more thing go on the website i told you about and you can get a thermometer/hygrometer for $14.95 b/c you need them both if you get it from the start you don't have to get them saprite . Do not get the nutrients from them to much money.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
ok ... here's a check list of what you need

1) about 3 more CFLs (35-45W)
2) flat white paint and paint the inside of that container (easier to handle than mylar trying to tape it up)
3) bigger soil pots (for later or now so you wont have to drop light down so far)
4) read through the FAQ or browse the forum for great and knowledgeable information

i hope this has helped you and good luck with your first grow .. if you dont first succeed, try, try again


Active Member
I have more CFL's coming in today.
Thanks everyone alot!!
If theirs anything else critical I should no before my little plants sprout?


Well-Known Member
I have more CFL's coming in today.
Thanks everyone alot!!
If theirs anything else critical I should no before my little plants sprout?
dont over water, get those lights close and have a lower humidity to prevent bad stretching


Well-Known Member
Keep your soil/medium moist, not wet. I killed more than a few seedlings by overwatering. Have fun!!