My First Grow Setup


Ello guys and girls I know hydroponic isn't recommended to first time growers but I'm going to go ahead and try it you only learn from trial and error anyways and my first grow will start on the 1st August that morning i will germinate and be posting my updates every Friday with pictures and any problems that occur as my progress goes

1x warm white light
1x cool white light

Mylar covering whole room

Electric timer

8x deep water hydroponic system home made

Fox farm nutrition

Water temperature will be watched all day everyday

Ph balancers


Currently looking for how many fans I need for a room 5x10

Im looking to grow 8 plants hoping for 2 ounces dry weight but we all know noob grows can't obtain that :(

I will be checking water quality before I replace any water and make sure its correctly done for max yield of my plants

I will doing super cropping/low stress training and fimming if this puts to much stress on the planets please let me know I will be letting the plant grow for a month and a half after the first 3 nodes have appeared then ill put it into flowering stage let me know if I should change that or what I should look for also please give me input to what I should change and or add to my system I want to keep watts per hour to 1000

I will be growing northern lights/sour diesel/bubbalicious/ppp im hoping I can get ahold of all these strains feminized
you can buy renhzit crystal elements beside the filter will do the job that's what i use

and if you veg right you should harvest 8 ozs or more from each plant
You can scale up the diy filter with a couple waste paper baskets and a full set of panty hose instead of just the leggings.
Lights i would recommend you go t5 ho instead of t8 if you can if not no biggie just add some uvb and always fit the spectrums. blue for veg red for flower. the uvb will increase the trich production as the trichs are what absorbs uv light to protect the plant.
with 8 plants in a dwc system first time or not you should be getting around 1-2 ounces per plants dry. It is very easily to achieve and dont underestimate yourself. read these forums nightly/dayly and you will learn lol.
in regards to fans i would suggest at least 1-2 oscilating and 1 for ventilation. t5s/t8s dont make much heat but the do produce some.
10x5x8(aprox height of most rooms) 400 cubic feet can be vented using a bathroom ventilation fan or an inline fan. either work and usually depends upon price.
just keep in mind that whenever you supercrop/fim, the plant will need time to heal as you are essentially cutting part of it off. I am not 100% sure on this about supercroping as i have no personal experience but with fimming it will require a day or so if not more.
it sounds like you know what your doing and the only reason people will tell you not to go hydro first time is because it requires daily attention to ph/nutrients. you should not experience any of the other problems though (pests/bugs/lengthy growing times etc.)
you might want to consider potassium silicate as a ph up. i have been using this and while it takes about 10 minutes to properly affect the water that is the only downside. It strengthens your plants cellular walls and will help with the overall growth.
good luck and post some photos when you can, we all love the pron lol