
Well-Known Member
ok well my friend bought too many clones for his grow room. so he showed up at my door with some plants i took 3 of them i asked him what strains they were and he didn't know. he said they were all different strains growing in organic soil and im using fox farm grow big fox farm big bloom and fox farm tiger bloom for nutes the temps have been in the 90s during the day and in the 70s at night im not sure what the humidity is but i know its pretty low id guess about 18 percent most of the time this is my second grow last year i grew some white widow plants but they got stolen. these are pics from the last 2 weeks one plant seems to be turning yellow what do you guys think is wrong with it please give me some feedback any advice would be appreciated especially some advice on whats going on with the one plant thats turning yellow.DSCF3113.jpgDSCF3112.jpgDSCF3114.jpg these pics were taken one day after i got the clones



Well-Known Member
My first suggestion would be using a BIT more punctuation. :)

Other than being a little too close together I'd say they look fantastic man! I can't really see the yellowing you are referring to. If you have a closer pic of the plant in question it will be much easier to diagnose.

Chosing the right genetics is one of the most important factors to a successful outdoor grow. Especially if you are in a part of the country where longer flowering strains might not finish in time before the weather turns nasty.

Just curious, but did anyone else know the location of your plants last year besides you?


Well-Known Member
sorry about that. Ive been told about my bad punctuation before on this site before lol ill try and punctuate better from now on. My problem with the plant in the black pot is it started out very dark green and it seems to be getting lighter everyday especially this last week. its been raining for almost a week straight out here and im not sure if that has somthing to do with it or not im not even sure if theirs anything wrong with it if it looks ok to you guys then i wont worry about it.


Well-Known Member
and yes one person knew about my plants last year my brother knew where they were and i pretty sure it wasnt him that stole them but it could have been one of his friends that he probably told but this year nobody knows my brother doesn't even know im growing at all this year and i camouflaged my plants the best i could this year so i dont think anyone will steal them. (knock on wood)


Well-Known Member
If your going to harass someone about their punctuation at least speak in complete sentences "My first suggestion would be using a more punctuation" or at least edit your own comment

I would almost bet that one that is turning a little yellow, takes the most direct sun of the three? how about burry a 5 gallon bucket or two near the plants, and fill them with water, that would create a nearby water supply to evaporate, both raising humidity and lowering temperature, or just drag a kiddy pool nearby


Well-Known Member
no they all get about the same amount of light. i dont think that 5 gallon bucket would do much tho in such open dry place and the humidity has been alright its been raining for about a week on and off its pouring out right now.


Well-Known Member
If your going to harass someone about their punctuation at least speak in complete sentences "My first suggestion would be using a more punctuation" or at least edit your own comment

I would almost bet that one that is turning a little yellow, takes the most direct sun of the three? how about burry a 5 gallon bucket or two near the plants, and fill them with water, that would create a nearby water supply to evaporate, both raising humidity and lowering temperature, or just drag a kiddy pool nearby
I don't feel my comment was pejorative at all and I don't think the OP did either. Just meant to remind him that it is difficult to read, in what I thought was a friendly/funny way.

This is terrible advice BTW. Dragging a kiddie pool or digging and hole for a 5 gallon bucket would be a huge waste of time and effort. They aren't going to fill themselves either, so you'd have to haul the water out too. Even if he did, it would not raise the humidity or lower the temperature significantly either. Furthermore, that most likely isn't the problem anyway.


Well-Known Member
anyway now that you can see the comparison to how green it was then and how light it is now do you think their is a problem or no?


Well-Known Member
they do that to me too dude, i think it's just shade leafs slowly dying well because of the shade, they look awesome.

i take off 3-5 yellow leafs of each plant everyday, and they're just fine. it's amazing how we stress about our girls, i love it haha. i was all stressed bout that too and my g/f was like.. "dude chill, these leafs get no sun at all, it's natural!"

they do just fine. i think your plants look awesome, just feed em and let the sun do the rest :)


Well-Known Member
i second that statement... I have an above ground pool that we use, those 1000 gallon ones and during the day outside temps reach over 100, but with that big body of water, the temp seems to be really nice for the plants to be growing in...

If your going to harass someone about their punctuation at least speak in complete sentences "My first suggestion would be using a more punctuation" or at least edit your own comment

I would almost bet that one that is turning a little yellow, takes the most direct sun of the three? how about burry a 5 gallon bucket or two near the plants, and fill them with water, that would create a nearby water supply to evaporate, both raising humidity and lowering temperature, or just drag a kiddy pool nearby


Well-Known Member
i would look into getting some fish emulsion so you can water them with... Fish emulsion is great for your plants anytime of grow, im using it on all my plants from when i transplant the seedling all the way till flush... It really gets the growth going and keeps your plants nice and green and it wont burn, at least thats what it says, but used as directed i think will work... I havent seen any problems with it and my plants are happy! As well being a great source of N, it also contains alot of trace elements essential to plant growth...

anyway now that you can see the comparison to how green it was then and how light it is now do you think their is a problem or no?


Well-Known Member
ok cool ill go pick up some fish emulsion tomorrow thanks. dragging a pool out to my grow might help with the temps a little but its just not practical for me lol.


Well-Known Member
my plant was yellowing because it was overwatered after it stopped raining and i had a sunny forcast i fed them and then let them dry out for 2 days. i went to check on them earlier today and the yellow one is back to normal. these pics were from todaymystery clones (2).jpgmystery clones (4).jpgmystery clones (3).jpgmystery clones (1).jpg


Well-Known Member
so their probably going to start to flower in a week or two what do you think the yield per plant could be? I was hoping to get about 3 ounces of each plant maybe less on the smallest one. is 3 ounces off each plant realistic or do you think it will be less than that? i know its hard to tell especially since i have no idea what strain they are but what would your rough guess be.