My First Grow - White Label White Widow


Well-Known Member
Tonight I put the new babies to bed in a nice napkin on top of a warm bed. Hopefully in a couple of days I'll have 5 nice tap roots to transplant. Took some pictures, and will post them tomorrow.. I'm just to tired to reize the pictures tonight!

Plans are to grow them under FL until they are ready for bigger pots and vegging. Then they will go under a 600W MH and finish under a 600W HPS.

I'm stoked!!! :hump:


Well-Known Member
Laying in bed I had a bit of a thought to keep them warm while germing. I put them about 4 inches about my soldering iron base that gets pretty warm while on. Put them there last night it was pretty encouraging. probably kept the towling and water about 90-95ish (F). When I woke up this morning - they looked the same as when I put them to bed.

However this afternoon when I got home from work I checked them and found that all 5 seeds have cracked and are showing the tap roots. Some are even coming out just a smidge.

A few pics will be posted in a little bit!


Well-Known Member
Came home from work today to find 2 of 5 seeds with nice long tap roots. The other three are still in the napkin and the two are now planted in cups in Fox Farms Happy Frog soil and under FL.

Hopefully by tomorrow I can plant the others!



Well-Known Member
Seed number 3 has gone to soil. 4 should be there by morning. 5 is cracked... can see the root inside... just doesn't want to quite peek out yet. Hopefully by tomorrow morning or afternooon.


Well-Known Member
Number 4 and 5 seeds have made no progress... still trying to germ them but I also added two new seeds to the napkin as well.


Well-Known Member
Still no progress on the 4 seeds in the napkin.... three seeds in the cups are starting to poke out of the soil with one a little over a half inch tall already. pics to follow later today.


Well-Known Member
Starting to have my doubts about two of the seeds in soil. Still haven't come up yet even though the one is doing great. I have lost hope on germing the last of the first round of seeds... though I'm still leaving them just in case. The latest two I added look to be on their way for soil late tonight or tomorrow for sure. I added 3 more seeds so I have a few plants going. The goal was 5, but we will see how it pans out. Here are some pics of the one seedling that is doing good. All pics are from today at various times.



Active Member
Its looking good, they should all germinate some take a bit longer just make sure the seed never gets dried out. What I do when I germinate is I soak the seeds in water until they sink then i put them in soil. All the moisture the seed needs to start it will have absorbed so you do not have to really water the plant until it has sprouted, all you need to do is provide warmth. I have had 100% germination rate for a while using this method. Good luck.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips and reading my thread... I'm open to any feedback and advice anyone has to offer.

I'm actually trying the water soaking method this tmie around and the two of them have sunk and are cracked. So I'm going to go put them in soil now based on what you said. :D


Well-Known Member
Still nothin in the other cups but this little girl (praying! lol) is doing pretty good. Well have some more in soil later tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest.

Here are some pics from just a few minutes ago...



Well-Known Member
Sprouted plant still looks good... didn't grow much today so I'm assuming my roots did a bit of growing. All seeds cracked and showed the tap root so I moved them to soil - 8 total. We'll see how they come up!


Well-Known Member
Maybe its my mind playing tricks on me but I'm pretty sure another one is popping up through the soil... this morning I could see it and this afternoon it seems to be sticking out a little further. Hopefully its real and not me just wanting it to be sprouting!!! :-?


Well-Known Member
Starting to have my doubts about two of the seeds in soil. Still haven't come up yet even though the one is doing great. I have lost hope on germing the last of the first round of seeds... though I'm still leaving them just in case. The latest two I added look to be on their way for soil late tonight or tomorrow for sure. I added 3 more seeds so I have a few plants going. The goal was 5, but we will see how it pans out. Here are some pics of the one seedling that is doing good. All pics are from today at various times.

u shouldnt grow in clear cups...the light can cause root damage


Well-Known Member
mine didnt sprout either and they were dead like your exactly how u positive mine rotted out and i think thats wat happened to yours.....u should maybe transplant to a pot or somethin not clear...and dont let the temps get to high....mine rotted from the heat


Well-Known Member
Yea, the cup method works good. I tried popping one in moist soil without soaking in water first, and that's the only one that died and didn't sprout. The other three I soaked sprouted.


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling that even though I thought I wasn't... I was overwatering. I stopped watering at all for 24 hours and now I can tell for sure two more are coming up and I sitll have hope for a 3rd, so that will give me 4 sprouts total - 3 worst case. (Talk about an expensive mistake!!!) Part of me wants to germ some more seeds because I wanted 5 plants... but I think if I do that I'm going to use some of the free seeds I got with my order instead of the white widow seeds.

My overwatering thought seems to be confirmed by my one sprout so far, that or shes waiting for buddies because it hasn't grown much. Still nice and green and healthy - just haven't gotten to much growth out of it. I think the soil was to wet and to hard for the roots to go through. Lesson learned! If someone thinks I'm wrong here... please chime in.

At this point I'm affraid to move them between cups... if anything I'll find something to wrap around them. And I'll keep the dont use a clear cup thing in mind for the future! +rep


Well-Known Member
Well... not much growth on the one sprout but one of the seeds is definitely tryin to come up. Hopefully by tomorrow it will really break through. Tonight I dropped two more white widow into some water to get them germin. Along with two of the seeds I got for free with my order. I'm going to pick up some different completely nute free soil tomorrow to try to sprout in that, then transplant to the fox farms happy frog. Maybe its the soil... Maybe I over watered... maybe its a combination of the two.