My First Grow - White Widow & Trainwreck


Well-Known Member
This is my first growing venture. I have a 3 x 3 tray over a 20 gallon reservoir. I'm using cfl's for starting & seedlings. I'm using a 400watt MH for Vegging (starting tomorrow for widow) and a 400watt HPS for flowering. I also have some cfl's for side light when vegging & flowering in the tray. I'm using Flora Nova nutes. I started a little over a month ago with some bag seed and a few weeks into it decided to order some good seeds and not waste the time & electricity with the regs.
I started with 10 White Widow seeds and 5 feminised Trainwreck seeds. Out of those I have 8 widow sprouts and all 5 Trainwreck's germinated and are just breaking the surface of the rockwool. I also have 2 sprouts from some free seeds they gave me (unknown strain). I know it's way too many for the size tray I have, I also built a grow cabinet to use just until I weed out the males and I'll be keeping one female from each strain for mother plants (I'm planning on having 6 - 9 females to flower if all goes well). Here's a couple pics of the seedlings. Feels free to post comments & suggestions in my journal, I need all the help I can get...



Active Member
hey bro lookin good so far good choice on getting some rockwool its the best and make sure u use them for cloning also i have some of those hawaiian big bud seeds germinating so far only one has cracked and sprouted about a quarter of an inch out so it will probably be ready to plant in a few days but i'll keep sure to keep up on ur journal alright later bro


Well-Known Member
looking good,
is this your first grow?.
what light sced you using?.
fem seeds??? have you got a timer?.
Yes it's my first grow and yes everything is on a timer. Right now they're still running at 24hrs on but I'll be switching them to 18/6 in a week or so. I plan on vegging them for at least 6 to 8 weeks (more if they need it) before I switch to 12/12. The 5 trainwreck seeds were feminised, the white widow were not.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of the widow and the 2 unknow strains, I planted them in the large rockwool cubes today and moved them to the tray in my room. The biggest plant in the pic on the back row is a week older then the rest, it's Thai Stick. There's so much glare off the foil on the top of the rockwool you can barely see the rest of the sprouts

There's also some pics of the grow box that I built for my mother plants. I went ahead and put the 3 bag seed plants I had in there and I'm gonna try to flower them instead of giving them to my friend. The box is in the same room but it's completely lightproof so it should work. the temp stays around 75-78. overall I'm very happy with how it turned out.



Active Member
damn bro those bag seeds grew pretty damn fast and the grow box looks amazing but i'll keep checkin it out as it goes along i've had some problems lately mainly because im broke as fuck but i still haven't got my new ballast for my metal halide and high pressure sodium bulbs and i've been such a dumb ass cause i didnt realize i had my warm white bulbs in my fixtures for about a month and i always use my cool white bulbs for vegging so my plants have been growing terriblly slow cause those bulbs suck for vegging i use the warm spectrum bulbs for flowering along with my high pressure sodium bullb but i switched them out so everything should shoot up pretty quick but im very behind on my schedule but without a job i dont have shit for money so my two plants that are gonna be ready to flower in about 3 more weeks i guess i'll just be using my warm spectrum bulbs alone but its gonna be fine cause i have five fixtures which contain two bulbs in each one and each bulb puts off 3400 lumens and they are 40watts so that equals about 450watts all together but i really screwed up this grow but its cool cause they are all mid grades i was just trying to have a quick grow so i could make a little bit of money but one of those hawaiian inica big bud seeds has cracked and its about a half inch out so im gonna plant it in a few days i found out something that i was doing wrong i guess ur not supposed to let them germinate until they come all the way out of the shell which is what i have always done but i guess it damages the tap roots when u do so im not goin to anymore but these plants are only supposed to reach 50cm which is fuckin short and they yield a shit load of bud i dont know if u have ever read up on big bud but u should its really good if u want a quick grow and a lot of bud but anyways im glad everything is goin awesome for u bro hopefully things turn around for me lol... take it easy


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, I'm loving how the box turned out, I surprised myself. Going by everything I've read so far, you should plant them as soon as the shoot is poking out of the shell & not let it grow long at all. I planted all of theses with just the very tip of the shoot poking out and they all sprouted. No worries, I'm sure that big bud seed will be ok, I hope so anyways cuz I'm dying to see how it turns out. I'll post some pics tonight or tomorrow, my widow & trainwreck seedlings are taking off...

A friend of mine has a bunch of feminised skunk #1 seeds germinating and there's a good chance he'll end up with a few extras and he said I could have them if he does. If so, I think I'm gonna ditch my 2 mystery plants (free seeds) and maybe the thai stick also to make room for them. I figure I'm better off with 3 feminised plants then some free seeds that could be worthless males. We'll see what happens...


Well-Known Member
I added some more side light using the light hood from my aerogarden. Here are some pics...

This shows the aerogarden light mounted (for side light):

This is the Thai Stick, 1 week older than the rest & looking good:

My best looking White Widow:

My best looking Trainwreck (shitty pic):

My best looking free seed (unknown strain):

And this one is just to show how the set-up is looking:


Well-Known Member
So my friend ended up with 4 extra feminised skunk #11 sprouts that he didn't have room for so he gave them to me. To make room for them, I got rid of the single Thai Stick, the 2 unknown strains and 1 of the Trainwreck sprouts that was way behind the rest and seemed to be having problems. I think it will be much easier for me now since I'm working with 3 strains instead of 5, and I replaced 4 non-feminised plants with feminised.

Just for clarification, I now have 8 (Dutch Passion) White Widow, 4 (Greenhouse Feminised) Trainwreck and 4 (Dutch Passion feminised) Skunk #11. I hope these 3 strains are similar in I'll post some pics tonight.


Well-Known Member
Just got done topping off my reservior. PH is at 6.1. I still have my nutes at half strength (PPM is 332). I'll be switching to full strength in a week or so. Here are some pics, all seems well.

feminised skunk #11 - 4 days old from seed

feminised trainwreck - 10 days old from seed

white widow - 12 days old from seed

here's a shot of all 16


Well-Known Member
I sure as hell won't be taking & posting pics every 2 days but I have a question. On one of my widow's, the bottom 2 leaves are spotted and brownish/yellow in color and basically look dead. It's only on 1 of my plants and just on the first 2 leaves at the bottom and a single spot on another leaf that I think u can see in the pic, the rest of my plants seem fine. Can someone please tell me if I should be worried or what I can do to fix it. I think I heard those first 2 leaves are called water that correct? Oh and sorry I only take a close up of 1 from each strain, 16 pics would be a little time consuming.

1st pic is the leaf that looks dead (sorry it's a shitty pic) what's wrong with it????
2nd pic is all 8 widow's
3rd pic is 4 trainwreck's on the left row & 4 skunk's on the right row
4th pic is trainwreck - 6 days old from seed
5th pic is skunk #11 - 12 days old from seed
6th pic is white widow - 14 days old from seed

Whoo hoo!!! it finally let me upload a pic directly on my post.



Active Member
looking good my friend i will have those big buds soon i've just been really busy im a dj so i travel a lot to go play so thats y i screwed up my first seeds of the big buds but i dont have any shows for a while except for one next wednesday but its only like 45 min away so i will be back right away. my two oldest plant are growin so fast i sent u a pic of each one if u see the one plant that hasnt been topped the two biggest leaves near the top grew that big in two days!!! i kid u not and check this out i even stopped using nutes a long time ago and they r doin better than ever but i'll keep up on ur journal and i'll start one as soon as i get those hawaiian big buds goin but take it easy bro


Well-Known Member
Can someone please tell me what's wrong with this plant. Out of 16 plants, it's the only one that has leaves that look like this, and it's just on the bottom 2 leaves. Should I be worried and what can I do to fix it? Thanks for any help.



Well-Known Member
As of today, they range in age from 7 to 15 days. My nutes are at 50% (332PPM) but I'm not sure when they can handle more. So when should I switch to 100% strength on nutes???

Please feel free to post messages in my journal, I would really appreciate some help.


Well-Known Member
Unfuckingbelievable how god likes to shit on me, my wife's father, who was in the hospital in Chicago, passed away this morning (he had a bad liver as a result of alcohol & his kidneys were shot as well). Her mother will be coming to stay with us for at least a couple of weeks after the funeral so my operation is being moved to a friends house until she either goes home or buys a house somewhere near us. We're flying out tomorrow morning to Chicago so I'll post an update of some kind when I get back. The worst part is I had to tear it all down today since her mom will be flying back with us. My buddy will take good care of my girls and my equipment. Peace


Well-Known Member
I'm back in town and there's been a change in plans. My mother-in-law flew back with us but she's going to stay with my wife's sister instead of with us so my girls are coming home tonight...Whoo Hoo!!! After I get everything set back up at home, I'll post some pics of their progress over the last 4-5 days, (assuming they've made any progress at all). Peace


Well-Known Member
If I never have to tear down & rebuild my room, I'll be a happy man. Everything is set-up and back to normal. As you can see in the first pic, I got 4 new cfl bulbs, they are 105watts each and I have them hanging directly off the 400MH light. I also used some white cardboard to cover the rockwool cubes & roots. The curtains are also new, a buddy of mine had them sitting in his garage so I took them off his hands. When they're closed, they do an OK job of trapping the light. I also bought a 12,000 BTU portable air conditioner and it's doing an amazing job of cooling my room:Royal Sovereign 12,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner - White : Target. Overall, the plants seem to be growing at a healthy pace, though a few of them still have some shitty looking lower fan leaves and one of the widows just looks terrible. I won't be surprised if they take a little while to bounce back because they've been moved around alot in the past few days.

The far left row has 4 feminised trainwreck - 19 days old
The next row over has 4 feminised skunk #11 - 13 days old
The next two rows have 8 white widow - 21 days old

There's also a pic of my new air conditioner and a pic to show what it looks like with my new curtains closed.

As usual, comments & suggestions are welcome in my journal.



Active Member
hey bro that sucks so bad cause moving them around like that puts them through a lot of stress and stress will cause plants to become hermys but i have a problem myself me and my ex r getting back together so i have to get rid of my plants but im giving them to my friend so i will still keep everyone updated on them and i will still get most of the bud from them but me and my ex just decided that we couldn't keep away from each other but im very happy no more bein depressed although it does suck that i have to get rid of them but its for the better right now cause im just tryin to focus on college and stayin clean from everything but today i went to my buddies house to help him harvest his plants and they r dank its blueberry crossed with sweet tooth but he gave me a half for free so i trimmed some up and started to cure them but i still have some that havent been cured but i'll send u some pics but sorry to hear about what happened bro hope all goes well keep in touch take it easy!