My first grow with some bad luck


ok this is my first post here and this would be my first full on grow i had plants to start.i strated them indoors and they were doing fine but then one of my dogs thought it would be fun to eat the one plant (lil Bas***d) lol he is a good boy .but anyways one of the others just died off on me then i had to move back to my in-laws house where i could not have my plant so a friend of mine tht also had a beauty going said he would care for it took it over and with in 2 weeks my plant had a grow spert it is now close to 5 foot high and turns out tht it is a male ughhhhhhh. story of my life anyways we arent gonna trash the plant but we have decided to move it out side so it dont mess with his big girl inside the male has pollen sacks all over it and im just wondering how long will it be before i can harvest? btw i from PA any help would be much appreciated thanks for everything in advance


Active Member
When those pollen sacks open up try and gather some up in a ziploc bag or something to save. other than that You can try and make hash with the plant.