My first grow


Hi im justin and im starting my first grow.
I already got an idea of what i want and am in the prosses of setting it all up. Its my first grow but im going to try the scrog technique but only going to grow one plant at the moment. Im just not sure if the bulbs I want to get i should get, I want to use 2 65 watt cfls but im not sure if i should use 2 65watt cfls or a couple smaller watt cfls like mabe 4 40watt cfls, would that be enough for one plat in an area around 2'x'2. Also i have a 50watt uv light id like to put on it because i read it increases the thc resin but smoking isnt as smooth, is that true?
Im going to be growing in a cabinet type de leo thats 2' long by 2' wide and only around 2 1/2' tall but the top comes off, i was going to veg it then pop top off and add an addition to the cabinet during flowering. Would this space be efficent enough to scrog with 120watts of cfls, possibly the 50watt uv light aswell? Im going to add a fan for intake and a fan blowing out, i was going to place the one blowing in at top and one blowing out under the mesh screen. Im not sure the the best soil to use tho, would a organic bought soil like maricle grow or something be good? or should I try out my own mixture? If anyone gots any suggestions im all ears, thanks