My first guerilla grow


Well-Known Member
lookin good.

im trying to achive the same goal haha.

but you gunna use any nuets or anything like that?

im just letting my plats grow off of rain water. and if its a lil dry spell i will
go and water them myself.


Active Member
sorry for quality of pics,made with mobile..pic#1 preparing the site at spring,pic#2babies ready to meet mother nature..the rest babies enjoying mummy nature


Active Member
No way,I water and will water them once a week,because next month will be quite dry,with no rain in our region.About nutes..yeah I will use some sea weed extract..and some tomato plant went to my site,did some P around,put some hair..hoping no fucking deer will eat my plants..


Active Member
And for me guerilla,is all about skill,tactics,luck and so dont need to own land,or expencive indoor setup..just your skills and mother nature..

Black Light

Well-Known Member
Ohhh ROFL that's funny. I just planted the damn seed and its growing, and im watering it that's it.

Will nature do it's work when it's time for flowering? or am i going to have to do something?

I'm in the deep south of North Carolina, dunno if you know the climate. kinda hot and humid.


Active Member
Depends what you want,sensimilla or seeded buds?for flowering,if you are not living on eqator,sun god Ra will do the job for your plants,and they will start flowering.

Black Light

Well-Known Member
I assume sensimilla is no seeds? I dont want any seeds, just that good old bud!!!

but my friend told me if its good bud and i want more bud like it, take a small bag and put male marijuana pollen in it and put it around a bud to pollinate just that bud.


Well-Known Member
im a first time gurrila grower growing bagseed. it is so hard for me to do everything and stay safe it is all about skills and mother nature


Active Member
Same for me,It took a lot of research to find my perfect spot,I got it,I mean I can park my car between bush,no hunters in area,small creek,alot of cover for plants..
But its hard work,I need to hike 30min to get to my plants,and the whole action takes 2 hours to get there and back,from my definetly weed price wont never drop,because of hard work growers are puting in it,lazy tokers,have to pay price for lazyness.Big up to all growers who follow their dream,with loads and loads of self grown buds.


Active Member
Hi growers!!so these are my two month old plants,grown from seed,guerilla style...these are my Early Misty plants,lil bit streched,because it was bloody cloudy for weeks,but still doing fine



New Member
growing on other people property...far away from stupid cunts..
If u intend to setup operations on someone elses land, 1) make sure your not growing on another growers property, cause if they find out and bust you, they could teach u a nasty lesson for growing on their property and potentially getting them busted. 2) if you intend to grow on someone elses property dont steal their water from any of their tanks, troughs etc, why? cause u could get busted doing it or they mite notice water levels in their tanks/troughs going down.

3) know the entire surroundings for about 15-20kms, use google earth to learn where all the dirt roads are and where they lead, you may need to make an emergency exit from the area one day!

4) carry a two-way radio or mobile phone with you, and a backpack & first aid kit that contains an emergency reaction card. You dont want to get caught out in the bush with a broken ankle or snake bit, miles from your car.

5) Backpack used to carry upto 8 litres of water per run, as well as your medical kit & some food, also bring a map of the area you are working in. Use google earth to print a map of your area. Carry this at all times in your kit, this can be used as a valid excuse such as being a bushwalker if u ever have to explain yourself, carry some binoculars too, this can also be used for cover, but most importantly use the bino's to scout your paths, tree lines, tops of hills and anything else you need too look at from a distance before proceeding any further to your operational site. Get used to using your binoculars every 2-3 mintues to scan your surroundings.

6) Listen for motorbikes & cars all the time. This cannot be stressed enough. It is surprising that from the time you hear a dirt bike in the distance, to the time is going past you can take 10 seconds. Not good if your loaded down and caught out in the open.

7) Wear camo clothing when out in the field. by this i mean real camo, NOT urban (black/white), safari flage, or artic camo - it looks like shit and u stick out a mile. Use tiger stripe, auscam, kahki, U.S desert camo or U.S multi-cam.

8) Carry on your utility belt: a large 2 litre water canteen, for your own personal use, and a decent sized army knife. You may need this to cut tree branches, string etc.

9) Grow in large pots, bigger pots require less trips to re-hydrate your interests. large = 2-3 feet in diameter to 1-2 feet deep.

10) Saturate soil in grow pots with anywhere up to 30 litres of water 1 week prior to transplanting seedlings into pots.

11) Use medium duty mesh to make a 'tree ring' to put around the grow pot and mesh on top of the tree ring to stop animals from reaching over and eating the heads/head off. Also helps keep birds and small tree branches from landing on your plants while growing.

12) Use minimal amout of natural foilage with maximum effectiveness when camouflaging your grow pot/tree ring. You should use a commando wire saw or small wood saw to selectively cut certain branches to carefully weave into the tree ring around your plant to provide a visual barrier. Dont over do it with the camo, too much will draw attention to your grow pot/tree ring, too much and it sticks out from a mile away.

13) Use different paths to ur site of operations

14) Limit 2 plants per site. Putting all plants in one spot means ur they get found u loose them all. Having multiple grows sites also increases the chances of being caught. Way up the options

15) Grow late in the season, lessens the chance of being caught. You can harvest 4 ounces from a plant grown in 14 weeks in a 12" pot if u keep the water up to it along with the correct nutrients given at the correct time, all organic, no need for hydro fertilisers.

16) Utilize scrim or hessian to help camo your grow pot/tree ring

17) Operate when no one is around, either at dusk, early morning or if u have too, at night. Instead of making weekend trips, try mid week.

18) Be carefully not to venture too deep into unknown bush, its easily to get lost if ur not trained.

19) Be carefull not to get busted by hunters, these guys go everwhere.

20) leave some a few dollars in coins somewhere right next to ur grow pot, if someone finds it they may take it, hence letting u know ur site is now in serious threat. Place a stick or rock in such a position that if someone comes along and finds your site of operations, you will know by the disturbance.

21) If your site does get found, cut your losses and run. Thats what gorilla farming is about. Dont be a fool or some hero and try and get the plants back, or protect them by going out there with guns or weapons, this will only cause more problems you dont need. The only people who use guns and man traps are hardcore bikies that are prepaired to kill people to stay outta jail. You dont want to go down that path.

If ur plants doo get found, the cops could already be on their way, you going back to move them too another spot before the cops arrive is a very risky mission, the people who found them could be still watching from a distance.

22) Have a very safe and secure location for drying the plants in. Warm air (around 24oC) and a slight breeze. Make sure rats & mice are not present in your drying facility. Lay some rat bait 2 weeks proir in necessary.

23) Smell is an issue when drying plants, make sure the smell does not escape from your facility that other people notice.

24) Dont give ur plants any fertilizer for 1 month before your expected harvest, and DONT EVER use any water soluble fertilizer to foliar feed your plants once they start to flower! Using water soluble fertiliser and then pouring it all over your plants will destroy the smoothness and herb taste of the buds when u smoke it. The fertilizer will stick to the resin sacks on the buds. Always water at the base of the plant when using fertilisers.

Theres more grow tips, but my fingers are getting sore. more tips later


New Member
Thanks mate, im a Aussie.

25) If u smoke when trekking out to ur site, atleast dig the butts into the ground or stash them under a rock. Two reasons, one you dont want to start a bush fire and two butts are easily spotted and are out of place in the bush.

26) Using a push bike makes long trips easy, however pushies leave tire tracks that can be easily followed in soft ground, however saying that, they can queit effectivly get you through miles of bush, quietly, fast, undected and leave no tracks if you pick the right rout to take to get to your site. If you need to get away from ur site or what ever quickly, a push bike is ur best friend.

27) Use blood & bone spread on the ground for about a 10 meter radius around ur site. This will keep plant eating animals away for a limited time. This can prove expensive for multiple grow sites

28) If possible, top the plant, and encourage the lower branchs to grow and tie down with string. This will increase the yeild at harvest and harder to spot by animals and or humans. Top plants when they are 1.5 - 2 feet tall. If space permits.

29) Avoid using a site where any man made structures are: old buildings, water tanks, fences, old camp sites, rubbish tips.

30) Remember sound carrys through wooded areas well. Keep this in mind when hitting steel star pickets into the ground using sledge hammers.

31) Be inventive and creative, adopt the attitude of improvisation and being able to look at everything in a larger prospective. Adapatability, Mobility and a Constant State of Alertness are your best friends when conducting gorilla operations

32) In Australia, Dynamic Lifter or Blood & Bone are good vegative stage growth fertilizers. Mix 1 - 3 handfulls of dynamic lifter into the soil (only dealing with growing in pots/containers) and saturate entire pot with water. Direct seed into that or transplant. After 4-5 weeks, spread 1 - 3 hand fulls of Blood & Bone onto the surface of the soil, evenly, and water in well. Repeat this process ever 4-6 weeks. U can use mixes of 50% dynamic lifter 50% blood & bone, its up to you. Just make sure u feed them, otherwise ur wasting ur time. If ur going to grow and take risks, atleast make it worth ur while and do it properly, otherwise the harvest will not be worth all the risk.

33) Home made liquid fertilizers work well for weekly feeds if u prefer to do it that way. Get either: sheep, goat, lama, cow, donkey, horse, rabbit, kangaroo anything like that type manure, place into a 100 litre bucket, drum, old steel rubbish bin what ever and fill with water, leave for about 3-4 weeks and then start feeding small amouts to ur plant along with the plants usual amount of water is normally gets. Start with 1 litre and see how fast the plant grows, big plants may require 2-3 litres of liquid tea per week (but that would be a massive gorilla plant!) Use about 2 kgs of dried manure (6-12months old) to 50 litres of water for ur tea. Note: flies love this stuff.

34) When walking out in the bush, flies can be an issue! Use insect repellants liberally. Try and keep ur mouth shut when walking and breathing heavily, swollowing a fly can make u puke real easy. Also u dont want to swallow any flies that have been sitting in ur liquid tea drum. Can make u very sick.



Active Member
leave some a few dollars in coins somewhere right next to ur grow pot, if someone finds it they may take it, hence letting u know ur site is now in serious threat. Place a stick or rock in such a position that if someone comes along and finds your site of operations, you will know by the disturbance.
Good advice. I like this one, never heard that before but it's good.

"Using a push bike makes long trips easy" What the hell is a push bike mate ?