My First LSD Experience


Well-Known Member
(This is an exstensive post but I know that when I was considering trying LSD all I wanted was an exstensive tripping report, not your average "yeh-I-dropped-it-and-I-was-flippin-out-then-it-was-cool" report.)

--Procuring the Acid--

Okay, the first time I tripped acid was last year. I got together with a friend and we decided we were gonna do mushrooms or LSD. After much research, cost estimation, and planning we decided to go with the LSD. Then the problem of finding it arose. I live in a place where acid hasn't even been mentioned in a good 25 years. But a few years back in high school I used to sell all kinds of strong prescription medication, and my connect (a broken down, strung out, welfare sucking, opiate head, middle aged woman) always thought she was hot shit and had all the good connects. So remembering this I got in contact with her and told her what I was looking for. She was like "Oh yeh, hell yeah...I know a guy or two. I can find that stuff easy." Then like a week later still nothing and two weeks later she was getting rather annoying. (I mention her only because of the hatred I have for her. She ruined her family and can't get her shit together to save her life. Also, later in this recap you'll see how much of a pile of shit she is.)

So finally. My buddy and I get a brilliant idea. Fuck these flatlanders. Let's take a road trip straight up to Watauga county. We knew a couple dudes that decided to go to college up there so we already had an idea of where to go. We get up there Friday night and crash at a motel. The very next morning we were up and headed straight to UNC Asheville. Within two hours we had procured perhaps the most elusive drug known to man. Extremely excited to have what we were told was acid we packed our shit and headed home. The whole ride home I simply stared at the blank off-white blotters. There were 3 of them in total. I couldn't even comprehend how such a strong substance could fit on the tiny pieces of paper.

(Here's where my old pill connect really pissed me off.) I call her up to rub it in her face that I found what she couldn't manage to find in two weeks in two hours. What does she do? She wants to buy them from me for $10 a hit. Fuck that! After I took the journey to get them she wants to purchase my bounty? HA!

-- The Trip --

(This was last year, so I will write this as chronologically as I can and try my best to recollect all the details.)

My friend and I met up with our hispanic partners in crime (I love intelligent people, the color of one's skin can't speak for their intelligence.) at an abandoned church. This had been our smoking spot since our freshman year of high school. I figured if there was one place I wanted to start my trip, it would be here. We cut one tab in half to make it even and we drop the tabs. About 15 minutes later our hispanic friends who are also very popular marijuana dealers reveal to us probably a little under half an ounce of some really frosty exotic. (No one around here is big on calling weed by the name of strain because of so many bullshit dealers so the hispanics simply refer to their highest grade of product as "exotic". ) After seeing this my friend and I decided to save the bag of weed we had in my car for later haha. This was only the first unexpected [fucking] awesome event to take place this bright blessed day.

About 45-60 minutes had passed since we had dropped and we hadn't felt any effects yet nor had we smoked any marijuana. The hispanics decided they wanted to run up to the Citgo and get some food then come back. So not wanting to be alone during our first trip with no one around we decided to go with them. We all piled in the car and started on our way. This was when I first started to feel things and notice subtle distortions. Immediately it felt like the car was a very spacious dome with seats. (The feeling of being in a dome was there, and upon observing the ceiling I noticed it seemed like it was very high.) I find this to definitely be an effect of the acid as I am naturally uncomfortable in tight spaces - and this was a two-door sports car with 5 people in it. I also noticed a growing ball of energy right in the center of my chest. This is very hard to put into words but I just felt really...excited...and it felt like that was where it was coming from. (Maybe this was just anticipation of events to come or an effect of the acid. Anyone?) We get to Citgo and my friend, one of the hispanics, and I stay in the car. Sounds sort of sound slightly muffled, particularly the sound of a closing car door. More of a thud than a slam if that makes sense.

Anyways, we leave Citgo a few minutes later and head back to the abandoned church. We park and I get out. The sound of my feet in the gravel becomes my only thought. Everything else dies away and I hear the loudest footsteps in gravel I've ever heard. Lol I was definitely coming up and I exclaimed happily to everyone. Our hispanic friends are all about marijuana and marijuana alone, so they kept making statements like "You vatos are on that real shit hahaha" They found it amusing to watch us which made me feel comfortable. We roll a few joints while we pass around a blunt and we're just bullshitting. I laughed at something and kind of rubbed my hand against my closed eyes when I laughed. This is when I witness my first closed eye visual. I still saw my hand and it bent into a C shape and the same hand was like...copied and pasted in all directions but growing in size. It happened so fast I didn't even realize it until a few moments later. It had been raining that morning so there was rain dripping off of the overhang we were under and it began to look as if the overhang was melting and the resulting liquids were falling to the ground. This amused me greatly. (I'm going to fastforward a few minutes into the future) The hispanics need to leave to pick up something in another county and they give us a few grams to take with us. (They're all really cool dudes.)

My friend calls up his friend and asks him to come meet us at the High School parking lot which was only a few blocks from where we were. We knew we were going to peak really soon so we quickly got in my car and drove to the high school. I parked in the Staff Only parking by mistake. I left my car there and we headed into a field near the road the school is on to wait for my friend's friend who I'll refer to as Daniel. I had only hung out with Daniel one or two times. And both these times he was either drunk or trying hard to get drunk. He has no drug experience outside of marijuana and alcohol but according to my friend he hasn't drank in a while and he gladly said he would cart us around in his car.

So we wait. Then we peak. Out of no where I'm hit with the utmost confusion. Thoughts like "What the hell have I got myself into?" popped into my head and were gone just as quickly. I was on the verge of panic when I finally just sat down and closed my eyes. I could hear my friend asking me if I was straight and stuff and I heard myself responding but to me my words sounded like they made no sense. Moments later my friend peaked and he too had an intense moment of confusion. Daniel called right around this time and my friend couldn't talk to him, he kept repeating himself and saying "What?" Everything was so bright, I was almost blinded by how bright everything was. The grass was such an intense green and the sky such an intense blue. Finally my friend-giving up on trying to understand Daniel-hands me the phone. I manage to direct Daniel to the high school parking lot we're closest to. He lets me know that he can see us from the parking lot and I can't seem to find him. He kept telling me I was looking right at him but I couldn't for the life of me focus on anything. Finally after he blinked his lights a few times I realized his car was indeed right infront of us.

This intense confusion lasted probably 45 minutes to an hour. During this time Daniel played the new Gojira album on the loudest volume in his car. I'm not sure he understood the overwhelming force with which the LSD had hit us. The music became too much for our minds so he turned it off. Daniel turned out to be a real asshole when it came to helping us. He would drive in circles around a block and swear to us that we were going straight out of town and we were just imagining shit. This made me uncomfortable and I was really wishing I could be somewhere familiar. I kept taking out my cell phone and checking it for some reason. I would look at it, then [seemingly] five minutes later I would check it again, only to see the same time on the clock. There was something interesting about my phone though. I had a picture of a cartoon gorilla as my background and the eyes of the gorilla were pulsating different colors. Red, blue, purple, red, blue, purple...This was awesome and took me to my own world.

Finally we arrive at my friend Geoffrey's house. I hangout here often so instantly my trip leveled and I felt intense euphoria. I looked out at the tree line and noticed the tops of the trees were bending back and forth towards one another. I looked up at the sky and there was a single image of one cloud copied and pasted across the sky. I closed my eyes and laid on the grass. With my eyes closed my mind really began to wander. It was like I was standing up, looking through my eyes, and everything looked as if it were drawn as a blueprint. I walked around in this infinite blue space for what seemed like hours but it had only been a few minutes. My friend nudged me and I opened my eyes. His face was growing and shrinking and I laughed at it. I got up and followed him to the back porch where they had the bong out passing it around. I remember grabbing the bong and with robot-like motions placing a big chunk of bud without breaking it up at all into the bowl. I hit it a couple times and passed it. I will say that body wise - I couldn't feel the effects of the marijuana. The LSD had completely taken over my body. I felt invigorated, sharp, and driven.

I wandered off into Geoffrey's house and noticed a bowl of candy. I opened the lid on the bowl and was blown away at the plethora of colors inside. The bright green, red, orange, and yellow candy wrappers were beautiful. I had no desire to eat but I wanted to try one anyways. My sense of taste was very much heightened and this candy was delicious. I handed the bowl to my friend and the look on his face told me that he too found the colors to be very interesting. I went to the bathroom to take a piss and I looked in the mirror. My face seemed foreign to me and my pupils were so dilated I could barely see any color in them. After I pissed I went back outside and sat down. The clouds had disappeared and the sun was setting. This was absolutely stunning. Orange exploded across the sky. I had a smile plastered on my face that I couldn't have stopped if I wanted to. We hung out here for about an hour more and decided to leave. I had been talking a lot. At times I even felt like I was talking so much that it was becoming annoying to the others. I felt really good. I gave Geoffrey a couple of grams of the exotic for letting us chill and we headed back to town.

They dropped me off back at the school and I got into my car. At this point I was having very few visual distortions and had no trouble stringing thoughts together. I headed home, made myself a huge pot of chili, and enjoyed the afterglow. Objects were still ever slighty breathing and lights had bright auras around them. I still felt an intense sense of euphoria with no negative feelings whatsoever. This lasted well into the night and even a couple hours in the morning.

--After Thoughts--

LSD is by far the best drug I have ever done. Save for the peak, there were no bad vibes at all the entire day. I have since done LSD a few more times and enjoyed it every time. I've also eaten 6gr of dried shrooms and still it could not compare to my LSD experiences. LSD is such a smooth ride after the intense peak. There's no heavy body high like with shrooms and I have never felt drained the next day or had any sort of negative hangover. LSD is amazing and I recommend it to anyone with their head on straight.
Call her Lucy please :)

Great first trip, bit of unnecessary running around in it though..
LSD is by far the best drug I have ever done. Save for the peak, there were no bad vibes at all the entire day. I have since done LSD a few more times and enjoyed it every time. I've also eaten 6gr of dried shrooms and still it could not compare to my LSD experiences. LSD is such a smooth ride after the intense peak. There's no heavy body high like with shrooms and I have never felt drained the next day or had any sort of negative hangover. LSD is amazing and I recommend it to anyone with their head on straight.

^This i would agree with, dont get my wrong i love my mushies but Lucy has always been so smooth so light and happy. She is my first choice as well :)
Great trip report though :P
Duuuuude, please, take pity on us all, I really want to read your description but it is one monolithic block of grey. Yah gotta put parargaphs in there. Even just a few would help.
sounds like a great first trip :) ive never done anything other than pot (no, not even alcohol) but am thinking about trying lucy :) any tips?
Great read man...

The next time... I say to you, I say to you... watch The Gods Must Be Crazy while on LSD, it will answer the question to life, or at least you'll think it did.


sounds like a great first trip :) ive never done anything other than pot (no, not even alcohol) but am thinking about trying lucy :) any tips?

Yes, don't take too much, maybe half a hit at first... you can always take the other half during the trip...

Also, stay hydrated... and no matter what happens, be able to make yourself realize that you took acid, and you're not just crazy... I don't believe in bad trips because from the many many experiences with acid that I've had, when they've started to get a little too much, I've always been able to make myself realize that I am on acid and within 30 seconds I am calmed back down.

Also, for your first trip, watch all 3 The God's Must Be Crazy.... it should last you entire trip and you will come close to dying from laughter several times during it... it's great, just don't die from laughter.
sounds like a great first trip :) ive never done anything other than pot (no, not even alcohol) but am thinking about trying lucy :) any tips?
Don't overplan things. You'll end up with a big pile of subconscious cognitive dissonance on your hands. Which is basically conflicting thoughts in your mind. And when you have your plans and you end up doing something else, subconsciously there will be that cognitive dissonance fucking up your psyche.

Marijuana - I feel - is a must. I've even had times when I took LSD and the visual aspect of the trip was minimal at best. After a joint of some sticky icky I am thrown head first into acid land.

Don't go around people who don't know you're tripping (until you're more experienced). This will more than likely become uncomfortable for you. You tend to ramble on about things or say things that make hardly any sense to a sober mind and will probably become somewhat of a nuisance to your sober peers. An example: I was smoking out of a bowl in a rotation with a few people. My friend and I were tripping but no one else was. Because I was in acid land my inhibitions were slightly skewed. Without thinking I tossed the bowl to the next dude in the rotation and all the ashes dumped out onto his nice white sweater. He got really upset and this made the mood go from laughing at everything to feeling like a school child reprimanded by a teacher. Just keep your words and actions in check as best you can while on LSD around sober people. But the best way to avoid this problem is to simply trip with another person or trip with a really close friend as a sitter.

I've found that large crowds also pose a considerable threat to your psyche. Perhaps it's the fact that I am naturally an introvert but while among a large crowd (especially of sober people) I become a sort of paranoid which consequently throws bad vibes around in your mind.

Surround yourself with things you love and would find interesting in an altered state. For instance a lava lamp, good [smooth] music, great tasting drinks or food, brightly colored objects or fabrics, soft blankets or pillows, etc.

But most importantly: you are in control. You control where your trip takes you. I find this to be considerably harder under the influence of shrooms rather than LSD. Shrooms seem to be much more of a rollercoaster-like trip with experiences coming and going quickly. LSD is much smoother and much easier to get under control. I'm speaking only in relation to large doses of shrooms (7gr+ dried) as smaller doses are on more of the same level as LSD in terms of control. But like I said, you are in control, you can change the mood from bad to good instantly. Socata was right on, it is as easy as reminding yourself you are on LSD and that is why [whatever] is happening.

However, if you're looking for a visual experience aswell as the mental experience I think half a tab is too little of a dose. You would probably feel euphoria and empathy etc but unless you get ahold of some strong acid, not much in the way of a visual experience. The one and a half tabs I took for my first time I think was definitely a good "threshold" dose. But the difference between one tab and say, two tabs, is considerable. So I absolutely suggest 1 1/2 tabs for the first time.

Good looking out brother and have fun!
sounds like a great first trip :) ive never done anything other than pot (no, not even alcohol) but am thinking about trying lucy :) any tips?

Best way to do it is to grab a friend, drop the acid, and just do what you would do on a normal day or whatever you want to in the moment. My first time we laid down on the grass, decided to go for a walk, saw a fountain and jumped in, grabbed food, smoked. It was like a normal day, just 10000x better.