My first medical grow- prop215 legal


Hello folks, im a current medical marijuana patient in northern california and want to begin my first grow. (actually my second but things didnt go well and it was just one plant) anyways this time i want to do things right, first of all, since this grow will be a backyard grow, they will be grown in pots, perhaps 10 gallons, i want to know what kind of soil should i use??? Last time, i started with fox farms ocean forest, and transplanted into a flowering soil a guy reccomended me, things didnt turn out like i wanted tho. Another guy reccomended "happy frog" which is a soil i can use from start to finish. Another soil i was interested in was subcools mix, but was wondering if it does well with most strains? Anyone reccomends me another different soil mix?? And what kind of strains do well with it?? Need all the help i can get...thanks in advance folks!


Well-Known Member
I use a mixture of Happy Frog, Black Gold, and some 15 year old compost which has been going very well for my plants so far

Subcool's organic super soil seems like the way to go if you can, I'm sure it will work for all strains


Well-Known Member
I mix FF ocean forest and black gold together, add about 10% bat guano and 20% worm castings and a little perlite or coco for better drainage.
I have used the same mix from start to finish three times, I do use veg and bloom nutes though. Just the basic stuff.


Active Member
I use botanicare soil (i was usuing roots organics) it doesnt have much of any nutes in it so i can add all i need and not get them od' on nutes. Also ive never heard of switching soils for flower, you just switch nutes. good luck!! :)


Well-Known Member
Some people layer the soil with bloom nute soil at the bottom. Some will veg then repot into bloom heavy soil. Most just change up the nutrients.