My first plant


Well-Known Member
Hi all, im new to this site and also new to growing, im after a bit of advice and some tips if possible. Ok i have included a few pics of my first plant its about 6 week old and has been grown in natural sunlight, i am using no artifical lights, fans or any chemicals, just planted a seed in a pot of lose miricle grow, it is moved arround the house to gain maximum sunlight. Basicaly im growing this as a test plant and if this goes well im investing in all the kit to do it properly. Im just wanting to know if im doing the right things to keep this plant as healty as possible, i give it about half an eggcup of water every morning, is that too much and too ofter or visa versa, the plant seems to be doing ok appart from the lower leafs wilting a bit and drying up as seen in my pics, but from what i have been reading in this forum this seems the norm. I would apreciate any advice



Well-Known Member
I would never use Miracle-Grow soil which is one thing.

They look like they are drying up, How much water are you giving them and when, Also at what time because the time is a huge difference.


stays relevant.
miracle grow will work fine for right now, don't start feeding it though, and make sure it is hydrated occasionally.

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Your doing fine so far, MG is a No NO in my book.
Repot her and bury her up to her first set of real leaves, if there dead and gone thats fine but bury her up to that point.
You can feed her very small doses of nutes and feeding in the first hour of light is best so she has all day to eat.
I think your watering is fine , but be aware that some days it gets hotter than others and has she grows she will eat/drink alot more.


Well-Known Member
Your doing fine so far, MG is a No NO in my book.
Repot her and bury her up to her first set of real leaves, if there dead and gone thats fine but bury her up to that point.
You can feed her very small doses of nutes and feeding in the first hour of light is best so she has all day to eat.
I think your watering is fine , but be aware that some days it gets hotter than others and has she grows she will eat/drink alot more.

We don't want to jinx it so lets call it "It" ;).


Well-Known Member
it is best to give one watering instead of a bunch of little ones
deep water =deep roots


Well-Known Member
MG regualar potting soil is bad ... BUT the MG Organic is perfectly fine ( I have used it one numerous grows). As for the watering, just water it if the soil looks dry. Stick your finger 1 inch down and see if its wet


Well-Known Member
Welcome FAQ.. IF you must MG ..don't nute for a couple of months as they (mg products) seem to mostly come pre-nuted.. Your plant will stretch with just reg. sun light but thats OK for your purpose.. I getting a plant to grow before spending a lot of $$$'s is a good a lot of people can't grow a plant to save their lives... good luck....


New Member
congrats dude. golden ray is right on the money. i wish my first plant looked that good. lotsa good info on this site


Well-Known Member
Your doing fine so far, MG is a No NO in my book.
Repot her and bury her up to her first set of real leaves, if there dead and gone thats fine but bury her up to that point.
You can feed her very small doses of nutes and feeding in the first hour of light is best so she has all day to eat.
I think your watering is fine , but be aware that some days it gets hotter than others and has she grows she will eat/drink alot more.
Correction, after speaking to my brother who gave me the compost it turns out it was'nt miricle grow but something else an organic mix, so will this plant be ok in this soil also i think the wilting of the first set of leafs (not the very first set or the ones after but the ones with 3 leafs on) is down to my brother over watering it whilst i was away for 3 days, i have just repoted this plant in the bigger pot shown in pics and watered it so would it be best not watering for a few days, so it might have a chance of recovering from being drowned