My First proper grow Closet/Tent/400w bag seed


Active Member
Well, This is actually my third log. When they updated the servers it set all my shit back again. So here we are!!!

Long story short I have purchased a tent that fits inside my closet a little to tightly. So in the future it will get interesting as to what exactly I will do for ventilation and hopefully temperature does not become a massive hurdle. So far I've got 3 sprouts in 2 pots (Two in one pot and one in the other pot). I've transplanted the one into it's own pot recently and it seemed to have caused the sprout quiet a bit of stress, but it appears to be bouncing back. Fingers crossed!

For the seedling stage I have CFL's, 5 at the moment. I feel that the lights are sufficient for now until I get my 400w cool tube grow light. Pictures are to come. The one is looking very very healthy, really beautiful vibrant green. But I'm no expert by any means. I'm using LC's regular mix with Pro Mix for seedlings/sprouts and the organic fertilizer mixed with the basic mix for flowering. I'm just waiting for the local supplier to get my materials in (Jersey Greensand, and Kelp meal). so I will be able to make my mix and let it sit for a couple of weeks while the hopeful females veg out for awhile longer which is fine by me!

Pictures to come tonight!


Active Member
Well it won't let me upload any of the pictures taken from the camera.... On both RIU and photobucket it says that the uppload fails because it's an invailid file type. Any idea's?


Active Member
Nobody!? I need advice on theses plants and when to chop them. The first plant has a stem, cotyledons then splits to two branches. No more stem..... doesn't look to any growth where the stock would continue (where I would cut when topping). The other one, out of the same shake seed from the same weed, is younger and has the same set-p as the first but the stem continues....

WTF!?? I wish I could upload pics! I'm going to find my old Sony X10 and hopefully snap some proper HD pics


Active Member
Well here are some pictures for the people not listening.


The eldest is coming along nicely if I do say so myself.

And the younger one is just bouncing back from the transplant. New top fan leaves grew over the past 2 days.

So here is where I am stuck and need some advice. The first one is the eldest, and the second the bounce back. Two totally differen't

Where do I top and when? I've read Uncle Ben's topping technique and have seen detailed pictures but this new stem system is fucking me up!!

Eldest (Strange)
DSC_0401.jpg DSC_0402.jpg

Youngest (Normal looking)



Active Member
Lol Of course, they had gone about 36 hours from last watering. Sometimes I'll mist them, I'm not entirely new to growing. This is my third successfull (knock on wood) grow. But my first proper grow i.e. proper tent, lights, pots, etc....



Active Member
You are talking of topping them now!!, they are babies they will probably die if you go chopping bits off ! The last thing you want to think about is topping them, there is a hell of a long way to go. I dont understand how the hell you got through 3 grows. You need to concentrate on growing them big before you do anything.


Active Member
Do you notice how I'm asking where to top and when, on more than one occasion. Please don't be offensive in doubting my ability to be an intelligent individual and grower. You are of no help to me with post's such as that. Keep your mouth shut if you're not going to approach my questions appropriately.


Active Member
seriously, you need to do some reading up before you start with the jibber jabber. I am almost speechless by your ignorance. You have quite a few issues, with your grow, i am no expert but i can see you will not succeed, and others on here will tell you the same.Why have you crammed your grow tent nice and tightly into your closet? wtf is the point in that! you may as well just use the closet, on top of that you are thinking of ventilation later, not something an accomplished grower would do. You have 2 seeds in one pot ? why? nightmare if you need to transplant, which you would probably have to with two root systems fighting for the same space, and the plants could be opposite sexes.Get your lights closer! (note the unusually fat stems for a such a young plant)Don't be misting them! you have 0 ventilation remember, your going to end up with mould. What's that white shit on one of the leaves? You are not explaining things clearly, and thats why you have had no feedback. Btw i am a novice grower, what does that make you?


Active Member
I've done enough reading and have enough understanding to not "cram" my tent into my closet? I said it was a little to tightly, snuggly fits wall to wall (2 inches either side). The tent has like 9 different light proof vent ducts side and back. I have plenty of room to work with for ventilation. And enough funds to do it tomorrow if it becamse a major issue. Don't patronize me. There is no stale or stagnant air in my tent, I have a fan mounted with plenty of fresh air. My lights are 5-6 inches away, which as far as I have read is the appropriate distance for such a system. I'm beside myself that I have to defend and justify my grow to hostile criticism on a forum that's primary objective should be educating other people. You've been nothing but a nuisance.

Check out this link for proper forum etiquette:

I really could go on to argue with you, but I'd much rather ask you to stop posting.


Active Member
Buying a 400w hps/mh dimmable ballast with a 6" cool tube, that should give these plants some spectrum. I'm going to be a making my carbon filter soon as well as ordering a 240 CFM fan to help exhaust heat and air out of the tent. I'll update with some new pictures once my light comes in!

Any suggestions, advice or constructive criticism is welcome!