My first scrog - ready for 12/12?


Well-Known Member
You have a lot of screen to fill up. Are you guiding it up through the squares, or are you just letting it grow underneath?
You need to weave the tops to fill up the majority of squares, but leave some room for flowering growth.


Active Member
yea i know.. But as far as i can read on the topic i will evolve alot doing stretch?

I also red that i should not weave it but keeping groing it underneeth.. But im positive for input since this is my first grow


Active Member
Flower now.... Take it a day at a time, try pulling one down and moving to another square, try weaving some, try it all. Its the only way to learn, just go for it. By the time there done flowering you're tent will be wall to wall Christmas trees.


They will not stretch as much in a scrogg, it looks like you have the first signs of hairs?
you may want to let your screen fill up at least 2/3 full, it will give a bigger harvest.


I would suggest a couple more weeks, depending on what lights you have going. I think if you let them stretch a bit, for about a week later straight up then bend them outward toward the empty spaces on your grid, then let the 2nd week to allow them to adjust to the stress, then bam, 12 / 12 you will get a bunch of bud sites, and an even canopy, bigger buds, and taller branches try to keep on the outside,, but just enough that you can see the bud sites are lit up with enough brightness, you'll know haha that's my 2 cents... Oh and monitor daily to bend and raise the light as needed get it as close as you can without the danger of burn, give yourself 2days growth in hindsight Lol I'm toked up. But I hope this helps. I tie my shift down tight. :cool: