My first shroom experience with my wife


My batch is almost ready and me and my wife have our first trip together planned two weekends from now with the "Thai" strain that I've been working on. My question is : Should we have a day trip or should we have our experience at night. We are gonna be staying at my parents river house right on the water and its a full moon weekend but the property is as gorgeous as it gets during the day. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I prefer tripping during the daytime and in nature if possible. But its really just whatever you and the Mrs. would enjoy. I highly recommend a conjugal visit with the wife during the peak of the experience. Done right, it's not just great sex, it can bring you two closer and deepen your love for each other. Shrooms can definitely be a Love Goddess, but you have to bring the right frame of mind to the experience. So maybe night would be better for that. What's more important than day and night is that you have a good "setting" - a comfortable environment where you feel safe. And the right "set" - a good mindset that is not burdened by excessive fear or anxiety.


We are definately comfortable with the property. We have stayed many times with our two girls. Its awesome and in the middle of the natl forest "very private". The stars have just never aligned allowing us this shroom opportunity together. We've experienced e together numerious times and tripped seperately before we got together and love our friend mary jane. Our time is finally here, baby sitter and all. It's just been so long I just couldn't remember if I had a better time during the day or night. I have very fond memorus of both. The inside of the house is all cedar plank. I meane the floor, the walls and the ceiling. And two docks out onto the water. Excited to say the least.


Well-Known Member
daytime mushrooms are lots of fun but the heat gets to me. Figure out when sunset is and have your peak hit around that time. As for sex on mushrooms its mind blowing but i have only done it on low doses (1.5-2.5) as higher doses seem to make my turtle go into his shell so to speak. If i were you and where you are planning to trip is very private then i would bring some paint and brushes and a few of those cheap white canvas and get naked and have fun. Ive been finding dill pickle chips and watermelon are great for tripping as well.