I have been reading alot of info on this site about growing and i just had to join. I believe in putting back what you take out.
My first real smoke was at age 35. I loved the feeling it gave me. I felt my entire worries float away and i was so relaxed. I loved the peace it gives me in life. Only trouble was that it was so expensive and my brother-in-law who hooked me up with a bag would qoute high prices and "Skim" the bag over time.
I respect that he did hook up's and took the danger of going round to the dealers house so never question the size of bags or price-I just knew that if I was to continue i had to do it myself.
I had to grow-I found that growing was an enjoyment in itself!
I had friends who smoked when we were teenagers and i tried it a couple of times but it was always in groups-never had a joint to myself until 35.
My first grow was hydroponic white widow- 2 plants out of 10 seeds (seed bank feminized) yeilded 9oz. Currently into week 3 of bloom with seeds from a bag which are not progressing like the white widows did.
I will always grow seeds from seedbanks now-just better to know what you have and how to grow it.
I feel a brotherhood amounst growers and love to be apart of it.
Hello my friends!
My first real smoke was at age 35. I loved the feeling it gave me. I felt my entire worries float away and i was so relaxed. I loved the peace it gives me in life. Only trouble was that it was so expensive and my brother-in-law who hooked me up with a bag would qoute high prices and "Skim" the bag over time.
I respect that he did hook up's and took the danger of going round to the dealers house so never question the size of bags or price-I just knew that if I was to continue i had to do it myself.
I had to grow-I found that growing was an enjoyment in itself!
I had friends who smoked when we were teenagers and i tried it a couple of times but it was always in groups-never had a joint to myself until 35.
My first grow was hydroponic white widow- 2 plants out of 10 seeds (seed bank feminized) yeilded 9oz. Currently into week 3 of bloom with seeds from a bag which are not progressing like the white widows did.
I will always grow seeds from seedbanks now-just better to know what you have and how to grow it.
I feel a brotherhood amounst growers and love to be apart of it.
Hello my friends!