My first time getting high EVER on trippy ass Columbian Gold no less!

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
as i just joined this forum and LOVE smoke reports, i thought it would be really fun to enlighten everyone here that missed the 80s BEFORE indicas ruined everything on just how old school IBLs smoked and maybe to get a laugh out of my experience too. if i started smoking AFTER this experience when "nothing but stoner crap" took over most markets in the mid 80s, i never would have smoked a second time. hope you enjoy the read. ;)

a couple times in high school (ironic) i smoked weed but got nothing out of it, but after i graduated and moved "to the big city", my co-workers at a fast food restaurant were partying after work and talked me into blazing. the very 1st bud i smoked was real california trippy columbian gold. i tried to tell them it wouldn't do anything to me, but they persuaded me to give it a try. i also had a bottle of beer and THOUGHT i was getting drunk.

the dude that was blazing lent me his chromed brass piece and almost a gram as i drove back to the country on the highway. along the way, it started to rain a little and when i came up to a semi truck pulled over by about 8 cop cars, i was having a serious anxiety attack. "stay one the road! don't swerve! you're drunk and they're going to catch you with felony drugs! oh shit! oh shit! oh shit! oh shit!"

i ended up cruising by them at around 35-40 mph and wouldn't you know that one cruiser slowly passed by me on each side, noob to getting high and still a new driver too, i was really freaking out imagining the worst case squared. i just told myself to stare straight ahead as the sandwiched me on both sides and not act suspicious. of course i couldn't help but glance left at one of the officers on my left and then the other on my right and tried to maintain my cool while sweating something fierce.

eventually, they just pulled on ahead of me and the rain picked up. i had a really good nervous laugh and by then, my buzz was really starting to pick up. the rain looked like glowing spears or laser blasts in my headlights.

along the way, i pulled into a small town's church parking lot and packed the bowl and took a couple more hits to get home on. when i did, i turned the TV on and the newscaster looked almost 3D, kind of like those old 3D plastic stickers with the ridges.

then, i went to listen to some tunes and WOW! i'd never been so into music before in my life. everything just felt more intense & "real". one particular song by OMD, dazzle ships" had this really big sounding godzilla type roar that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck & sounded like a giant right outside. i'd listened to it dozens of times and gotten bored by it, but that night i didn't skip tracks and it took on a whole new intensity.

after that, i blazed another hit or two and blew the smoke out my window and listened to a bunch of favorite tunes with my cheesy stereo speakers in headphone mode. i don't recall anything significant after that other than realizing i DID like weed afterall. not being able to get ANY bud remotely that good since everything turned annoying stony has also given me an huge attitude against greedy growers & dealers overcharging for inferior product. i was paying $40 a quarter to get high, then a year later, $50 to get stoned and pissed off.

another time, after getting used to this $40 a QUARTER goodness, i was giving a buddy i went to school with a ride home & blazed some gold while listening to the clash's combat rock. he'd been blazing way longer than me, but apparently not to much trippy gear.

as i looked out the window at the wheatgrass on the side of the road slowly swaying side to side, it occurred to me that it looked like really weaird headed aliens slowly marching towards the car! i pointed it out to dude, at first he said "you're fucking crazy! it's just weeds! they don't look anything like aliens!" "no man! i said WEIRD HEADED like the seed pods on top are their heads and the stalks are their ling 'neck bodies'." "OH SHIT! they DO look like fucking aliens! man, this is some good shit!"

it was always sold as thai to make it sound more exotic, but in reading product descriptions of columbian gold hybrids like senor garcia & destroyer and noting that they had pinecone odors like the gear i was getting, started to suspect it was really gold and recently got a confirmation from an old school cali smoker that used to get the same shit. man do i miss it! to this day, nothing i've blazed is quite as visual or sensual or even laugh you ass off euphoric, although high quality seed's haze skunk, 8 miles high & super cali haze aren't shabby.

the really special thing about gold, besides the overall intense visuals and heightening of the senses was that really cool "light floaty" feeling it gave you that i bet was the origin of the "getting high" description. the effects would range from the light giddy feeling you get in your stomach at the start of a buzz to felling like you're always walking downhill or even that your feet are helium balloons that will float away from you at any minute & take you with them.

it also seriously induced munchies. i used to love housing a bag of (original... whenthey tasted better) cheese combos with sprite or sneak into the ice cream at the restaurant i worked at happily saying to myself "the mice will play when the cat is away" after blazing on the loading dock and watching MTV on the bar's cable during morning cleanup.

it REALLY pisses me off that unless you live in california or near a dispensary, you NEVER see ANYTHING like that on the streets, just annoying ass couchlocking afghani dominants peddled by cash crappers just out to make a quick buck with no love for growing or pride in their gear. i've even heard reports of greedy bastids buying THIER smoke from BETTER GROWERS with their greedy feckin' mitts' worth of ill gotten gains.

no thank you! i'll stick with gear like haze skunk, 8 miles high & super cali haze as those give you a similar "go out dancing & don't stop until you're dehydrated" buzz that's the exact opposite of "so melted into the furniture, you can't reach for a remote" stone.

i'll post more smoke reports in the future. i don't want to spam up this forum my first day here, but you can get the reader's digest version of my favorites in the sativa connoisseur strains thread for now.
Glad you're here! 8 mile high up next for me, based on your recommendation back at the "City" a while back.
i like delicious grape tasting super cali haze & off the charts potent haze skunk more, but they aren't as high yielding. i'm looking to try mandala's satori next. it might be even more intense than 8 miles. i'd love to hear back how 8 miles goes for you. i think that maybe all of my raving about it at troll city might be part of why it's out of stock everywhere, but definitely keep your eye out for it.

i'm really keen to try TGA subcool's jillybean too. i've seen nothing but raves for it. laugh your ass off euphoria is NEVER a bad thing, but 8 miles is not shabby in the euphoria department. if you like getting high, you'll have fun on it for sure. i'm going to use it to breed with whatever top strains i test in the future besides super cali haze and maybe haze skunk although i'd like to find something that tastes better than HS & has a more visual high. i really liked the sound of a ceres seed's fruity thai smoke report i just read the other day.

BTW, i remember you too from trollville. what brought you here?