My girls are dying Please help


I am a first time grower and i am running into some big problems. My big girls who are in flowering are doing pretty well exept one. the one is droping over and the leaves are starting to curl under and fall. All in all the plant is green with some yellow leafs. My big problem are the kids. The growth is very slow and the bottom leafs are all yellow and falling off. The tips are burt looking and curling upward there is even a hint of purple in the veins of the fan leaves. The smallest one is all yellow and is wilting. I am very new at this and need alot of help. This is an indor grow, the bigs are under 1000 hps and the little guys are under floresents. Please help


Well-Known Member
the clones need to be flushed....sometimes its better to just cut new clone. But if you want to save them flush with water. then raise the light some or just turn on 1/2 of the hood. let them dry till the leaves are reaching for the light...sounds like you just burnt them with nutes.