Well-Known Member
I am using 7 23 watt 5500k bulbs so the plants are getting about the same light of MH 200. Lights are 4 inches from plants, no stretch. I started em in sure to grow plugs and took half of it out because they were just water logged. Replaced it with grow stone and now they are growing again, oh they are from seed, two sets of leaves . nuts are about 250 now. FF grow, carboload, GO bioroots, GH micro, calmag, Botcare silica blast, DE, and Great white fungi. I soak n feed, meaning leave about an inch of water in tubs and now are liking it. When I water or feed and drain off excess they just kind do nothing. So now I am getting ready to add pot of gold. When I grew in soil with these lights they grew like bangers. Once they got three sets of leaves they started growing 3/4" per day it was sick how fast they grew some were seed and some were clones, but after two three weeks they were all the same height. I am growing in plugs because they go into my DIY bubble poni as soon as they get into good veg, then they just go like mad. any help would be appreciated. I wait on the pot of gold with seeds cause it makes ppm soar. I guess I could use less, can't hurt they love the shit. thanks DD