Well-Known Member


Not familiar with Lemmings level?Those last 2 charts kinda look like Lemmings levels from the 90`s
Hmmm......You asked me a good one there......I dunno...LMFAOYes some of that is the tail end of some high prices 30-40 range we had about 2 or 3 years back. Why it went up like that who knows but i intend to be sitting on a big pile of it for the next round. From what i can see every 10-15 years silver has gone up 300%. $5-$20 in the last years and $1-$5 before that. Some of that is relevant to the inflation of the USD but its not totally the cause either. Id like to ask your opinion on something. I have my own thoughts on this but I would like to hear yours as well. Historically for the last 2000 years or so the gold to silver ratio has been about 16:1. But in more recent times it is more like 40:1 or greater. Im sure ill see the gap closing in my lifetime but do you think it will be from golds decline or silvers increase? I think it will be a combination of both, with gold dropping some and silver increasing a lot. I cant say if it will ever be 16:1 but i dont think 25:1 is unreasonable to see. What are your feelings on this?
Here's my expose lolWas it you i read that said it took a few yrs to become profitable or someone else here.? Forgot. How long you been trading?
I willYah. I understand what you're talking about mostly. Sounds good. Gave me some good stuff to further research. I didnt know the wave theory/fibs are in conjunction. Makes sense about being used in options. Or the backtesting chart patterns failing. Harmonic what? Cool. I will read up on what i can. Def on the fibs and harmonic stuff. And several other terms ive never heard. Gota get out of this funk sometime. And learn to fucking trade successfully. I was trying to be a technical trader. But looking back, i would break the rules and let fundamentals affect my decisions, or shortterm spikes. Just fuckin wreckless ass trading. Yah, shoot me your link for the chart patterns. Ive familiar with a few.
I got a old h.s friend that is a partner in a small hedge fund but havent traded live with em. Need to see wut up i reckon.