My harvest under 600w.


Well-Known Member
This is a picture of the final harvest The 6 jars are 5 3/4 ounces already dried and curing. It was too much to trim in one day, so they were separated by 6-7 days. There was another 15 grams that I dried and gave away that was in those jars. (That means I had about 6 1/4 ounces already cut) On the tote lid to the right, you have the remainder of the grow. It is easily twice as much as what went into the jars. I was aiming for 20 ounces, I will know next week what the total is. What do you all think?


It was grown under 600w hps bulb from HTG supply, magnetic ballast. RDWC, 4 site, no training or trimming. 2 stanley blowers, air cooled, and this is White Widow in the picture. My grow room build is here:

Also, there are some pictures of it during the growing.



Well-Known Member
LOL, I should of put a poll. Ive got you for 495. Any other guesses? Its like one of those beans in a jar game.