My Hash is like Rosin


Well-Known Member
So this my 3rd time using my hash machine and bubble bags. The first two times my hash turned out with the consistency I am familar with. This time however, it turned out like a rosin (75 micron screen, it is the ball in the picture) and the other grades are like sticky wax (95 and 45 micron, the 2 bars in the pic). I dried water hash in the fridge on cardboard, for 8 days. This was twice as long as the other 2 batches. The other thing was when I removed the trichomes off the screens it almost had a clay like texture. I have in the freezer currently so they keep their shape. What did i do wrong? Has this happend to any one else? Is there a way to "firm up" the hash? Thank you in advance for your help.
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So this my 3rd time using my hash machine and bubble bags. The first two times my hash turned out with the consistency I am familar with. This time however, it turned out like a rosin (75 micron screen, it is the ball in the picture) and the other grades are like sticky wax (95 and 45 micron, the 2 bars in the pic). I dried water hash in the fridge on cardboard, for 8 days. This was twice as long as the other 2 batches. The other thing was when I removed the trichomes off the screens it almost had a clay like texture. I have in the freezer currently so they keep their shape. What did i do wrong? Has this happend to any one else? Is there a way to "firm up" the hash? Thank you in advance for your help.
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It sounds like you have some water remaining, but I'm not certain. When it is clay-like on the screens, that's usually what I found to be the issue. For that I freeze the lump of hash for at least 24 hours, then use a microplane (lemon zester, cheese grater) to shave the hash into a fine powder onto parchment paper laying on cardboard on a large cookie sheet tray and cover so dust doesn't settle on it. For the cover I use a large dry sift screen. It will warm in your hand so work quickly and when it starts sticking to your fingers, freeze it again and continue later until finished.

Microplanes are like razor blades, they don't stay sharp forever, so don't fall in love with one; throw it away and get a sharp one if necessary. Spreading it out this fine will allow it to air dry in a very short time; it will feel dry and crumbly. Depending on your conditions it could take 24 hours or longer, just be patient. From this state you can use it as-is, however I like to roll mine out with a hot water filled wine bottle and roll into temple balls for storage. If you haven't seen them, look-up YouTube videos by Frenchy Cannoli. He spent a lifetime studying hashish.

Good luck, I hope this helps.
So this my 3rd time using my hash machine and bubble bags. The first two times my hash turned out with the consistency I am familar with. This time however, it turned out like a rosin (75 micron screen, it is the ball in the picture) and the other grades are like sticky wax (95 and 45 micron, the 2 bars in the pic). I dried water hash in the fridge on cardboard, for 8 days. This was twice as long as the other 2 batches. The other thing was when I removed the trichomes off the screens it almost had a clay like texture. I have in the freezer currently so they keep their shape. What did i do wrong? Has this happend to any one else? Is there a way to "firm up" the hash? Thank you in advance for your help.
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That's what we call fire full melt. Why would u need to press it into rosin when it's already naturally done it for u? That's some of the cleanest hash I've seen that dark. Fully cured that's prob fuckin amazing. Shit 2 years late and that's still grade A all day every day. I'd rather get that then press rosin anyday.
Yup, You did nothing wrong. As the others pointed out, you have different qualities of hash, which is not bad. The clay-like texture means you needed to dry it out a little longer. It seems you have some nice hash chunks there to enjoy and to futher refine your technique run after each run.