My horrible day!

So let me start off by giving the events leading up today. A couple months ago I met a woman who had peripheral neropathy and after talking to her I asked her if she ever tried MMJ for her condition (live in a illegal state) she said no and I turned her on to it. Soon she asked if I could grow it for her so I said sure! And everything was great and my plants were in week 2 of flowering when she went completely psycho on me and started accusing me of owing her $100 (the only money she did give to me was gas money I helped her out a couple times a week) so she started demanding that I pay her the money back or she would see me in court?!? I told her I didn't have her money but I would pay her back just to leave me alone but she would have to wait for 2 weeks for me to get my paycheck, but she said she wanted her money back that day by 5pm I told her that wasnt going to happen as I had no money atm. So she ended up calling the cops but all they did was leave me a message to call the cop back so I did (5 times) each time went straight to voicemail (I'm guessing he didn't want to deal with the crazy woman plus it's all hearsay, she has no proof that she has given me any money). After she realized she couldn't get anything done that way she told me that she told the cops about my grow op and that's when I freaked out so I pulled everything (3 pineapple express, 1 strawberry blue, and 1 dank indica heavy bagseed) and dropped all of them in a pile in the middle of nowhere and now I have tomatoes in my grow tent incase someone comes a knocking I also got rid of all my pieces. So now I'm completely legit (whoo :sad:). So that's my story of how my day went. Sorry for rambling but I cried alot today for my plants BTW it was my first time and they were all incredibly healthy. Just goes to show you can't trust anybody even if you have common goals and are working together.

Oh and I know she was probably using the whole calling the cops on me as blackmail so I would pay up but now I have nothing to hide unfortunately. :sad:
Op here again any recommendations on states that are legal but also are easy to get a job? I want to get the hell out of my state and grow legally (for myself) but I dont want to leave w/o having some security of having a job when I get there (I'm good at construction and other blue collared jobs including welding) any good answers +rep thnx.


Well-Known Member
colorado maybe?

damn man that sucks...ya its really best if you keep your grows to yourself the best you can. shit happens and seems to happen a lot living this kind of live. good idea with the tomatoes too!
colorado maybe?

damn man that sucks...ya its really best if you keep your grows to yourself the best you can. shit happens and seems to happen a lot living this kind of live. good idea with the tomatoes too!
Thnx man yeah I was thinking about Colorado I just have to save up some money then go out there try and get a job and move and here's some rep. Btw the tomato plants are looking awesome I've grown them outside before and they have never looked like this but I wish I still had Mary Jane, it was my first grow, they were 2 1/2 weeks into flowering and they all had little hairs and the buds were just starting to show. Fuck crazy bitches.


Well-Known Member
You met some girl and she asked you if you would grow for her in an illegal state and you said "sure!"? Please keep your idiot ass out of Colorado.