My idea for a grow box

Im planing on building a grow box with the materials i have and this is how its gonna go down. Im gonna use a tall bin, cut a door shape on the side and make a door with cardboard and tape. Then im gonna cut 2 square holes for my pc fans, one at the top and one at the bottom but also wont light get in trough here and effect the grow? The grow box will be in a closet that is used during the day when the lights are turned on for the 12 hours. For the lighting i'm gonna make holes in the top for the wire to go trough then hang the lights above the plants and pull them up as the plant grows, i'm also gonna cover the inside with foil to reflect the light better. Only one plant will grow in here.

Think this will work? will there be enough air circulation etc... any advice

*Drew this in like 2mins so sorry for the shityness...



Well-Known Member
I'd stay away from the foil....get a space blanket on ebay for 99 cents....Use cfl's to keep heat long as outside temps are not high you should be fine using those fans....

not sure what you mean about closet being used certain times but you want to make sure you don't get any light leaking into that box when it's supposed to be dark.


Well-Known Member
I think you could get by with one fan. As you suck it out it will suck in, or as you blow it in you will blow it out. Just want the air (heat) to be vented from the top if you have a heat issue.


Well-Known Member
I agree no need for an intake fan....instead just use one for your exhaust fan, and use the other to blow on your plant when it gets bigger....It will help promote a strong stem, imo, and it will also be good at just moving the air around in the box


Well-Known Member
foil is is much more heat reflective then u want to use

best choice is mylar with a layer of bubble warp in the middle ......they sell this kind the mylar is like 95% light reflective and the bubbles in it make a air barrier so should be IR protected

the other choice is get some White paint and coat the inside

the light is going to be the issuse ............u might think about inverting the design it is skinny at the bottom up top u could add in a few more lights .....or even scrog it

i was thinking about this design myself as a need a bigger area for one plant back up plan

as for the very bottom of it ..........if u can get hands on a hot water heater box(ask a stoner at home depot or a old guy who does not care anymore) u can cut the top off and then line it with a trash bag to make water proof ........if u are on cold floors u should add 3 or 4 layers of carborad to keep the root zone from getting to cold


Well-Known Member
What are the dimensions of the container that you are going to be using?

Check to make sure that container is 100% lightproof(flower stage) unless you are just using it for veg


Well-Known Member
Why is it the noobies that come up with these fucked up ideas, it must be the lack of education ...surely? I could understand it if the boy has done 4-6 grows already but everyday this site attracts them ....?


Well-Known Member
They jump on the site, see a few grow boxes and then figure they can throw one together without really understanding why certain things have to be a certain way.

But that's why they come here and ask questions right? :)
Thats the only materials i have and thats why i came here to make sure if it would work.. just asking for your guys opinions jesus..

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
get a space blanket on ebay for 99 cents.
Good idea. Something cheap.
I would flip the box upside down if I were into what yur doin'. I would use a tinfoil roasting pan to mount my CFL's into(mainly for fire proofing). I would use two equal fans, in and out. On cold floors sit the plants on an insulated surface. In my table(s) I vent my canopy air under my table(s). I would drape the door and use ducts or flaps on the fans to minumize light leaks. And a whole lot of other things are gonna crop up:)