My kids are getting sick - PH? Nute Burn? Pests?

hi all,
my gals, 2.5 weeks old, are suddenly sick.

i have 8 plants, 1 of which is already quite withered. 3 or 4 others are not looking good either...
they have yellow spots (small and big ones) all around the leaves - see pics.

i'm growing outside, in 2 gallon pots, using good soil.



ph - last time i checked, 2 days ago, ph was balanced around 6.8 in all pots.

nutes - two days ago i gave them there first nute feeding. i gave a very small amount: 0.5 ml of biogrow in 2 liters of water - which was more or else evenly used to water all 8 plants. thing is, one of the plants had yellow spots on it before i added the nutes.

pests - the plant which is really withered had tens of small (but easily visible) insects all around it's stem and leaves. i'm sure they are not mites, due to their size. i'm adding blury pictures (couldnt get better ones) of the SOBs. just bought and applied organic pesticide in hope that it will help. i also banished the withering plant and placed it 10 feet away from the group.


do you have any idea what going on?
what can i do?!
it's so sad to see them like this...
not an independent one.
what should i use?
i saw people recommending calmag but i'm not sure i can get it where i live.
can i use hydrated magnesium sulphate with some water and spray it on the leaves or do i need something to water the soil with?
if you have more "brand-name" mag sources, please tell me and i will look them up/

thanx 4 the reply!


Well-Known Member
if you look with a glass under leaves is where spider mites start, spray regulary with neem emolient and use some pyrethrins for a start, they are real bad news
dell6666: aren't the yellow spots on my leaves too big to be caused by mites? i thought mites made tiny yellow dots, not the "stain-like" yellowing on my leaves. will check with magnifiying glass, to be sure - thanx.


Well-Known Member
Sup dude,

Did you check the pH of your water? it sounds to me as if you checked the soil pH only. Whereas i've read that soil testing/testers are not the most accurate way of measuring pH at least for our purposes. The reason I say this is because I had the beginning of a fairly similar problem. I Immediately checked a previously stable pH only to find it soaring around 8! (Not cool for a hydro grow) Even though mine didn't advance any further. I can't say that they would or would not have looked like yours in a few more days at the high pH level. It's a pretty cheap check and avoids so many issues it's just not worth not testing the water.

As for the bugs no way to tell without a good pic. Try shooting the pic with the MACRO feature of your camera (if u have one of course)

My $.02 worth of opinion! :peace:

hey man, thanx for the reply.
you're right, i didnt check the water ph. i know it's high, as it's tap water.
i used ph down the last two times i watered them - once because soil ph was too high, the second because i understand that nutes need water to be around 7 ph to do their magic.
i'll check the water ph - but then i'm kind of baffled by the fact that not all of my plants are in the same condition - while they were all watered with the same bottle....