my kush doesnt look right


i am a month and a week from seed using an aergarden 6 pod (for tomatoes)

about a week ago i added a tab of starter nutes from my ag and today i added a half a starter tab and added 2 cfls (one white light) to this plant to speed up growth to catch up with the higher plant (bagseed)

for a couple of days only one leaf started turn turn a blackish color near the veins and then turned into the picture 2 days later, so im the 3rd day into that set of leaves turning weird.

all life under this spot are showing signs of death (shriveling, drooping, see pic) but the new growth is looking great.

my ph is fine and my light cycle is on the vegetable setting, BUT my power has gone out like 5 times since, and im pretty sure the light cycle got messed up

also i just set up a humidifier in my room (went to goodwill 1 random day from not being there for years, happen to see a perfectly working humidifier for 12$), my lucky day! :D

so today what i did was add two lights to this one plant, add a half a starter nute, raise the ag light up a notch, and add the humidifier which also acts as a fan

ive also been told by several friends and people on here that my plants are very small based on how long they have been growing for, but when i added a nute it went from a dead sprout to this pic in 2 weeks!

is there anything else i should be doing that im not?

on another note: the cup of soil in the pic was one of the 5 complete failures i had with miracle grow and bagseed


What kind of nutrients r u giving it ? It looks like u have a salt deficiency might want to try and add some epson salt to ur water about a tablespoon per gallon to start out u should notice a difference within 3-5 days leaves should start turning green again : )


im giving it the same starter tablets that came with my tomato ag.

another question is it a problem im smoking in the same room?