my ladies are sick


plz help. :wall: 6 pretty ladies, 5wks into budding, 6wk veg time, 600HPS light, good circulation, enough room to grow; in 3qt pots. Ph is about 6.0 and temp ranges b/w 65-78F. Have awesome buds and look great except some have spindly, wilting cola leaves; others have yellow, rust spotted leaves that eventually die. 11wk old MG soil; 1st nutes applied 3wks in2 budding (Humboldt Onesness 1pt base nute, 5-9-4) fed every 3 days or so using high end of suggested feedings on back of bottle (fed 45oz H2O/nute mix). Did good for couple wks then symptoms occurred. Flushed 1wk ago & cut all badly spotted dying leaves b/c thought maybe over fert; no nutes since; watered 4 days later. Should I go back to Oneness 5-9-4 on low end of scale now? If so, how often? How many ozs of mixture should I give them in 3qt. pots, or does it sound like another deficiency? Money is tight, so am unable to buy expensive products. Please refer to pics for visual of problem. Thank you for any guidance you're able to offer. :bigjoint:



New Member
I'd say you prolly used too much nutes at one time since you have only started nutes in the 3rd week of flowering, like you said the "high end" of what the package said. You should have giving them 1/4 of what they said and gradually increased as the plant needs it. I'd say you prolly got a ph problem from the MG soil, I have a hard time with it, because of the slow released nutes. Will never use again, and also the amount of nutes you used. So you prolly have a lock out. Google marijuana plant problems and click images. Look for yours and read. Best advise I can give ya.
It's good you flushed, but with MG soil, nutes are brought out with every watering. So just keep watering don't add any nutes for awhile just some molassas to the ph'd water, gratdually add nutes in a week or so, just about 1/4 of what they say, cause you still got nutes in your soil.
Hope this makes sence I'm pretty baked. Hope it helps

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
PH6 is pretty low for soil, but they look fine.

you only have a little nute burn. Humboldt is known for being very strong. I would never use it full strength.

Go with plain water for a couple watering's, then 1/2 strength.


Active Member
save your self the guessing and get a PPM meter. they are only 30 bucks on ebay, and then you can test the strength of your nutrients and not have to guess. You can also flush your plants and test the run off to make sure they are at the right levels


Well-Known Member
this is the second time i put seeds in and they keep going from standing up to wilting over over nite what am i doin wrong?this is the second time i put seeds in and they keep going from standing up to wilting over over nite what am i doin wrong?


Well-Known Member
i have two fans one bringin it air in one pullin it out. well i germed them in a paper towel seen tap root placed em in a rapid root cube didnt water for 3 days they started growin strong. once they started sprouting and the shell was fallin off they stood strong so they were placed under t5's i went to bed just got up and they were laying over


Well-Known Member
Those leaves in pic 2 with the dark green color and 'the claw' going on, are sure signs on N overfert.(and possibly P and K too) The other symptoms could be caused from nutrient lock due to the overfert, or a symptomesof the overfert itself.

I'd give them a flushing, let them dry out for a couple days, then go back to feeding 1/2 of what you were giving them before.(1/4 the first feeding) Also, you might want to sprinkle a handful of pelletized lime on top of the soil before the flush, and that'll help bring the PH up a little.


Active Member
ya, usually when they get soft like that its overwatering. Let it dry out until the edges of the pot shrink a bit