my leafs!! ohh no0os


my auto flowering lowrider#2 x ak 47's leafs are turning yellow and are pointing downward now!!

My girls are living in these conditions :
- the plants are 2 weeks old
- i grow in a ebb flow hydro
- light cycle 20/4 light hanging 6" from the top of the plants
- Watering every other hour for 15 mins
- water ppm 550 (i use hydroxyzine AND general hydroponic 3 part line Micro / Grow / Bloom )
- PH lvl is at 6
- Temp and Humidity of room 68 F / 28-30 on avg

i was thinking it may be the water cycle i am using but i am not sure.

any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I water far less than you - I only flood for 15 minutes three times per day during lights on only.

What medium are you using in the flood table?