Well-Known Member
i went to see my cousin for the first time in about a year an a half, she was chillin with her female frends the usual girl talk conversation. so i stepped outside jus to blaze one since her parents was gone for the night, she comes out behind me to see what im doin. my natural response was "mindin my business" she knew right then an there that i was bout to smoke. she asked if her frends could get a hit, i thought twice about: they hit the blunt, anythins possible, they don't smoke they'll tell on me. so i let them smoke with me. man i
my ass of when my cuz took her first toke, she coughed for bout 2 mins before she startin "feelin it", her frends were pretty neutral to it though. either they smoked before or have natural vacuum lungs. after that they assumed since they were high that they'd quickly get the munchies... well i raided the kitchen too. her little brother wanted to see what we were doin jus to throw our scent off we all played transformers with him
jus so he'd go to bed. my cuzin's frend also tried to hit on me, i ain't never that high to fuck a 13 yr-old. in other countries where it's tolerated an still considered ok maybe, not in the u.s. a couple of weeks after that i heard my cuzin was caught drinkin my aunts liquor (don't ask me what kind it is, i'm full blown pothead i cant hold my liquor or beer). in some ways, i think that was my fault.