My Little Garden


Active Member
so my room would be around 5 feet long x 2.5 feet wide.
i am only growing one plant.
I am wondering what would be best to cover my walls with?
and also, what lighting i should use, and what to factor into that?
my plant will also sit around a foot and a half off the ground once transplanted to its final pot.


Well-Known Member
Panda film is pretty damn good, reusable, easy to and easy to clean.

As for lighting, it depends how many plants you wish to grow..


Active Member
what about getting 2 Mil Mylar? thats supposed to be really reflective and because its 2 mil, its easy
with 1-2 plant you could use a 150 watt lighting system, I hear that if you want more then your going to have to get a bigger system


Active Member
also, my lil' room, i have decided to go with a 175 watt HPS light, most likely i will use that panda stuff for the walls, or a nice matte white paint job? my last question i guess, people are telling me it might be a lil cold out here in the northwest, specially in the winter. my room is an old single bathroom, no shower just a toilet and sink. i have insulated the room, but am still thinking it might get a lil too cold seeing as though we live in a mobile home? what can i use to make sure it doesnt get too cold? i was thinking a space heater, with a temperature sensor on my outlet?