My little White Rhino is showing some spots. Can someone help identify please?


She's about 2 weeks old in FFOF. havnt fed her anything at all and 2 days she startsed showing these rusty/brownish looking spots on the 2 lower leaves. Anybody know whats caused this?
First pic is my white rhino, second is the one of the leaves with one little spot forming and the third is the other leaf. why would they be doing this?


These are the first two leaves that came about right? The overall health of the plant looks good and it doesn't look like there are any spots on the new growth, so I would wait and see what happens. ( IMO)


I would try to bring it down just a notch for now as I believe mj likes a higher humidity when vegin. Maybe start lookin for a way to bring it down for flowering. Unless someone of a higher knowledge has any advice, I wouldn't worry unless the problem spreads or shows up on new growth. The FFOF should keep them fed for a while though.


Help! the little spots have gotten bigger and now those 2 bottom leaves are turning yellow. Definitly doesn't look natural, never seen a plant with spots like this, they almost look like an orange mold or something spreading on the leaf. i did spray her once with a neem solution a few days ago. what can i do?!


the ph of the water im using is 7.4, and i sprayed just a little neem oil mixed with water on her.


Well-Known Member
i have the same problem dude same exact problem, and it looks like the bottom of my plant is ready to wilt and die. im thinking its either ph or not enough Nitrogen. the new growth has been doing fine so im puzzled as well. ill be looking out on this post lol, i may find an asnwer too.


the ph of the water im using is 7.4, and i sprayed just a little neem oil mixed with water on her.
my tap water is exactly at 7.4. You can use lemon juice (4-6 drops per quart) to safely get your pH to about 6.7-6.8. i also like to grab my water from a source where the chlorine is filtered out of it or let it sit from 12-24 hours as to let it evaporate out.


i have the same problem dude same exact problem, and it looks like the bottom of my plant is ready to wilt and die. im thinking its either ph or not enough Nitrogen. the new growth has been doing fine so im puzzled as well. ill be looking out on this post lol, i may find an asnwer too.
sounds about right to me the plant will kill off the botton leaves to help the new shoots.drop your ph a bit this will help your girl to get the nuets she needs. tho im also new to this just i had the same problem hope this helps


this is those leaves like a day later. the problem seems to be getting much worse. If anyone can help me i would really appreciate it.



Active Member
hm, i wouldnt worry to much. i think its not a big problem, because its quite normal if the bottom leaves die. sometimes sooner, sometimes later. i quess the experienced growers dont have that kind of problems. you will eventualy find a perfect setup for your girls and you wont have that kind of problems, im growing for about two years and my bottom leaves always die, like in your case. my advice would be, to leave this leafes and not to cut them, because if you will cut them away, the next pair of leaves will start getting brown and eventualy die. anyways a lot of growers at the start of the flowering period cut away bottom leafes to bring more airflow,...


this is those leaves like a day later. the problem seems to be getting much worse. If anyone can help me i would really appreciate it.

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Your plant is now putting her attention towards the top (which looks healthy). At some point and time your plant incurred a bit of stress that it filtered onto that leaf. I wouldn't worry about it.


Active Member
She's about 2 weeks old in FFOF. havnt fed her anything at all and 2 days she startsed showing these rusty/brownish looking spots on the 2 lower leaves. Anybody know whats caused this?
First pic is my white rhino, second is the one of the leaves with one little spot forming and the third is the other leaf. why would they be doing this?
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Those pics look very similar to the ones in the Grow Bible as being (P) Phosphorus Deficient.
"A lack of (P) causes stunted growth and smaller leaves...blotches often appear...the leaf tips turn dark and curl downward... severely affected leaves develop large yellow-blackish blotches... the leaves later become yellow/bronze shrivel, contort and fall off"

I dunno for sure- but that kinda sounds/looks like what you have... maybe?