My local growshop is awesome.


Active Member
Not only are they helpful and knowledgeable they have great prices.

Check out wha they sold me for 298 bucks out the door after taxes.


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Yeah, my local grow shop has whatever I need that I can't get at the big box stores or a local nursery. Their choice of nutrients is outstanding and they are very knowledgeable.


Active Member
you guys are lucky my local hydro store is way over priced. most of what they have is 4-5X more expensive then the internet or stores in other cities. I wanted to buy a 8oz bottle of humboldt snowstorm to try out and they were selling it for 45$ everywhere else it is 10$. shysters...

one of the guys there is pretty cool but the others are arrogant dicks. Also, The last time I went i asked if they had any small bags of worm castings and the woman working that shift had no idea what I was talking about, absolutely none. Me asking about worm castings was the first time she ever heard the word. totally unqualified.

Illegal Smile

My only local store is understocked, over-priced and staffed by crackheads. I have to buy everything through the mail and this is near a top 20 population city. This industry needs more competition. maybe Home Depot should open a "home gardening" section.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
yu guys yu guys yu guys! I just got my dream job! The home depot Garden Department. heheh.


Well-Known Member
You got a hell of a deal there bro. I'm also lucky to have a kick ass grow shop in my area as well. They have killer specials all the time. The other day I saw a similar set up to the one you just bought for $250 dollars. The only difference was that it came with one of those cheesy "econo-wing" reflectors, which I hate. You got a nice hood with yours, that's cool!


Active Member
thanks guys, I am really pumped to start using this bad boy. my old light and reflector is not exactly sucky, its a 400 watt with a nice reflector.

But I have seedlings that need to start flowering before they get too tall and my current plants still need about 4 more weeks of flowering, so I decided to get a second light, this way I can have a crop every month instead of every 2 months.