My Marijuana Plant is Really Thin


Well-Known Member
What are you using for lights? how far away are the lights? What kind of grow? Soil? Hydro? closet? fans? PH? PPM?

Need more info.


Well-Known Member
it depends on what lights your using, and were there positioned arund the plant, if you have them at the top its giong to grow tall and not bushy, if you have more lights on the side it will grow bushy


Active Member
I am using a plant light i got from a local hardware store. The light is about 12 inches away from the top of the plant and It is in soil. I am going to be posting pictures shortly.


Well-Known Member
I will assume the plant light is a fluorescent light, 12 inches away is about 9 inches too far, that is why the plant is stretching. move light very very close to the plant and keep it close at all times. How many Watts is that light? You want at least 75 watts of power per small plant.


Active Member
It is actually 75 watts the light is made for plants so i dont know if it is the best or not. The plant is 18 inches in the attached photos. oh and the top leaves are wrinkly. Anyone know why?



Well-Known Member
your light is too far. As long as you can't feel it on your hand where the top of the plant is, you are ok, so drop that sucker.

show a pic of the wrinkling, wrinkling is kind of a vague description.


Well-Known Member
You can't diagnose without a picture. Leaves curling in one direction or another is a symptom of just about every deficiency, nute burn, overwatering.

Leaves are thinner? how can you tell? Brittle maybe? brittle is bad. Soft and plyable is good.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna say no. The details are a little beyond me. Something to do with ballasts, voltage requirments, fittings, ect. Moral of the story: don't do it unless you wanna burn your house down.

50$ for that 150w hps though. 80$ for the "normal" sun system one. Thats not much to ask for what you get out. You need to do things right, or it will come out wrong.


Well-Known Member
As has been said already,light is way to far away for a 75 watter.
You need to reflect as much light as possible back onto the plant and you have no fan on it.
Fans are used as well as to keep it all cooler but the wind strengthens the stems.
If it was my plant i would snip the top off,say about 1" off,lower the lamp to about 4" away from the top and at the least use whiteboard to cause light reflection around the plantbongsmilie