My Metal Halide is too hot help!


Well-Known Member
My metal 400w halide is easier the best for vegging but i can't get the heat down.

I've also got a 200w envirolite which i'm now using instead but i really want the Metal Halide because it just so much better.

My choices and advice i would like is this,

If i can't use the 400w metal halide is a 400w grolux dual spectrum lamp just as good for vegging as it not as hot?

Or should i get another 200w envirolite and run the two giving me 400w total,

or is a metal halide at 250w better than all the above if i have a heat problem???


Well-Known Member
you would be best off getting a air cooled hood or a cooltube setup. If you can. I would find a way to use the mh. But thats just my take on it. I like vegging with the 400w mh.


Well-Known Member
Increasing the circulation will help with the heat, but ultimately, if you want to use the MH (I would) invest in an air cooled hood, or cooltube.


Well-Known Member
400 watts of CFL's does not equal 400 watts of Metal Halide in "light output", only in electrical cumsumption!

As has already been said, use your 400 watt MH light and make a serious attempt at dealing with the heat.