My Mettrum Experience


Well-Known Member
Hey All,

Long time listener, 1st time caller.

I received my ATP a week before the new MMPR rules took place. (March 2014)

Mettrum was one of the only LP's that had product, they were in Ontario and their website was ok. Kind of excited about the "Mettrum Spectrum", have my eyes set on a couple of Reds.

Spoke to Ashley several times setting up the paperwork, waiting to hear from HC, etc.

1st order. Red#3 was the winner.....Missed the morning shipping cut off, but still product arrived in 2 days.Red #3 Bud.JPG Red #3.JPG

Buds looked nicely trimmed and dried. A bit fluffy and a distinct lack of crystals. Off putting smell when I opened the sealed white jumbo pill container. I was so excited to have just been handed 60 gm by the mail lady......the excitement faded quickly. I'd rate it a B-.

2nd order. The Red#3 is not available. No matter, Fetch hither the fromage de la Belle France! Mmmwah! So yeah, I ordered Red#1. This is the 1st time the lovely voice at Mettrum started to talk about 'reserve' for cancer patients.....something about it being great for compromised immune systems. Not my particular monkey, so I sighed, said I would continue to use my patience and ordered it. We are at this time talking about the upcoming Sativa. At this time it called Red#5 and the web says available in late April.

Red #1.JPG Red #1 Bud.JPG
This bud is very loose/sparse. It does show some crystal which is promising. Nope. C at best. My dude tried some and was unimpressed too.

3rd order. Still don't have any product. More of the Red #1 unwillingly. More talk of zapped bud on the phone with the rep before ordering. Stupid stoner me is thinking this is a perk. No microwave for me please. Red #5 the much anticipated Sativa has slipped into late May on the website. One of the helpful voices at Mettrum has added a note to my file that I'm interested in it's arrival date and will keep me posted. I grab some local from my dude.

Local Bud 1.JPG Local Bud 2.JPG
Local dude has rock hard nugs that smell like real pot again. This one bud was 3 times the weight of the thickest Mettrum so far. (Red#3) Good hit at the beginning, Indica couch glue. I did not get any fancy green tweezers from him (not pictured) or a huge plastic bottle. I did have to drive 20 min each way to meet him. He does not take a credit card........yet. So I'm back to Mettrum....

4th order. This one comes after some strife. After talking to a nervous Mettrum rep on Thursday, I find out that the Sativa Red #5 is now Red #2, and it's about to go on sale! The website will be updated on Friday and due to the changes in their ordering (the whole 30 days vs calendar month thing they did) I'm unable to order today. (Thursday 29th) But I'm told, we are open on Saturday! By this point, I've had enough of their on hold music. If I heard Ashley say one more time that they were experiencing higher than expected call volume, I was going to have to get into some BHO and fast. (Which I don't have and want to try btw....)

I call on Saturday and am on hold for 40 minutes. Caller number 9 in line down to 3 before hearing a dial tone....

Focus man! Sativa, 28%! I redial and wait another 40 minutes to get through and go on hold again while they grab my file. Sigh. Hello? Yes, I'm sorry, today is the 31st. You can't order until tomorrow. Sunday they are not open, so tomorrow meant Monday morning. Great, I love to sit at work on my cell phone for over an hour on Monday morning to order pain medication. I'm told that they lost power Monday morning, because when I did try, the number was not working/connecting at all. By the time I finally get through on Monday afternoon, yep.....sold out. Wow. I ordered what will be my last order. Red #4.

They now have a big green bottle, but the buds suck.
Red #4 Bud.JPG

This was the best one out of a full 30 gm of dust and sparse/loose parts and pieces. Garbage. Another C at best.

I've submitted new paperwork to Delta-9 and am hopeful. I called them today and got voicemail. I've left my contact info and asked about product availability. The website today still talks about anticipated release in May......

Bye bye Mettrum. I won't miss your on hold music or your product!!
mettrum 183.JPG

Sir Loweed


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welcome to the board Sir Loweed
Excellent review....sorry to hear the quality isn't there,,,,
some of the buds looked okay....the bm stuff looked clearly better
that sucks man, i'm sure there are other LP's that will be better..i've heard good things about cannafarms master kush, you can find reviews on here, though i'm not sure if they have anything avaiable right now, you may have already checked...and even then you would have to go through the switching would think with all the "quality" standards they have to meet and all the educated people that work for them, that they would produce good meds..sorry to hear this
Thanks for the comprehensive review. Judging by what you said and there being no smell or too much visible crystal, I'm assuming Mettrum/the MMAR growers they bought off of didn't bother curing it and probably harvested early. At least it's dried and trimmed alright.
OK..... :)

soo... How much did that experiment run you back?

$7.60 per gram, plus tax...I get 30% off the 1st 30 gms a month but still tooooo much $$. It was a real slap in the face to see the much anticipated Super Sativa jacked up in price! Should have seen that one coming. Kinda glad I didn't get any now.
Welcome Loweed. I have a question about their "Date Packaged" if you don't mind. Comparing those dates to your orders, are they packaging in advance, OR when you place the order?

My thinking is that most seem to package their product in a batch when it's processed. Once they start keeping inventory, that would mean that you buy meds that someone stuck in a plastic jar a few months ago. Rather than inspecting and packaging your order individually at time of order.

Does anyone else care about this point? Or is it just me?
I could be wrong, but I believe that storing inventory in bulk, in glass containers, with VERY little airspace, would produce fresher (better) product. In this way, product can be inspected say monthly, while it's in storage, and burped or whatever is necessary to keep inventory in top shape.

Filling a plastic bottle 3/4 full, and storing that for a few months, does not seem like the best method to me. If that method is used, I prefer the Mylar (I think) double sealed zip-locs that Prairie Plant used to ship with. Many "Preppers" store food LONG term in Mylar packaging. To my knowledge it's more airtight than a plastic bottle, though I don't know if Mettrum's bottles are something special that air cannot pass through and does not leach VOC's.
Good review. I had a similar experience with Mettrum. You didn't miss much with the SLH or Red #2. Good luck with your new LP. Did you notice that after one joint you were immune? I did.
Welcome Loweed. I have a question about their "Date Packaged" if you don't mind. Comparing those dates to your orders, are they packaging in advance, OR when you place the order?

My thinking is that most seem to package their product in a batch when it's processed. Once they start keeping inventory, that would mean that you buy meds that someone stuck in a plastic jar a few months ago. Rather than inspecting and packaging your order individually at time of order.

Does anyone else care about this point? Or is it just me?
I'm not entirely sure how Mettrum is doing it. At 1st it seemed to be pulled from the shelf (packed earlier than my order date by a week or more), but as I went along the product was not available and the dates matched my order date closer.
Good review. I had a similar experience with Mettrum. You didn't miss much with the SLH or Red #2. Good luck with your new LP. Did you notice that after one joint you were immune? I did.
I'm glad I didn't get jacked for $9.60 per gram, lol. Not nice, not nice at all.
I thought Mettrum had all this experience growing for folks in another country? Did I misunderstand this?