My Million dollar stoner ideas!

Are these good ideas?¿

  • Awesome!

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • Sucks!

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Sucks, but creative!

    Votes: 2 12.5%

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Well-Known Member
im writing all these while im high, so some of them might only be ones that i think are awesome when im high and probably worth like 5 cents.

BTW most of these are movie or tv show ideas because when im high i feel like i could be a writer on SNL or something and make awesome sketch comedies.

lets do this shit

1.when pot becomes legal, make a pill company that makes THC pills that cure "boredness and Nothing-to-do-ism"

2.make a television company on channel 420 and have awesome stoner comedy movies and from 3-5 everyday am and pm, have awesome music to listen to when you're high.

3.make a cracker company and make the crackers in the shape of ducks and call them "quackers" a bakery called "top of the muffin to ya" and specialize in muffins/cupcakes. this idea might also land us a tv show on TLC ( OR ON CHANNEL 420!)

5. make a pun book filled with every pun known to man and have it sorted based on best time to use it. for example, someones mother passed away and you want to lighten up the mood, so you break out the book, open it to 'friends parent died' and BAM you just earned yourself some brownie points on that hot peice of ass cousin you got

6. take a fabreeze bottle, rip off the label and put a different label with a pot leaf on it and sell it as "weed odor eliminator"

7.make a new sitcom called "mr. awnsers" and have Jim Belushi as the main character be Kevin Windslow, a 45 year old father of 3 girls ages 5, 9, and 14. and the every show it would have the girls asking Kevin (their father) a question about life. but instead of awnsering the question, KEVIN FINDS A WAY TO AVOID IT!

-one scene from Mr.Awnsers-

Danielle (age 5): Daddy, whats "sex"?

studio audience laughs

Kevin: Ask me about that later honey..

studio audience laughs louder, and applaudes.(idk if thats spelt correctly)

8.make a cooking ware set called "Easy Baked" and it would have a hot plate, a mini fridge, and a toaster oven so people who want to cook with weedbut live with their family can make an awesome edibles set up outside in a tent or shed.

9.hire "BadKittySmiles" to make the ultimate stoner guide to edibles and in the back of the book, i could write reveiws of how each recipe feels, rate the recipies out of 10, and each hour, record how im feeling and the effects the recipies are giving me.

well im going to play ufc now, ill update this next time im high.
feel free to add to it.


Active Member
I like #1 except dont say it cures anyone just sell it to everyone...people who cant smoke on the job and shit.


Well-Known Member
Peter: Yep, now here's the plan: You'll enter through the air contitioning duct here. Now there'll be an invisible laser grid three inches from the floor, so you'll have to compress your body to the size of an ordinary household sponge and slide underneath like some kind of weird amphibious dolphin.
Brian: Can I buy some pot from you?


Active Member
Only one idea has the chance at being a million dollar idea. that is #3. Honestly the only one with a chance at business.
And only make three or four out of 110,000 companies that try to make money of the legalization will break the million dollar mark. The rest will make money but not a million as it is the same as every bank of every country. Only a few out of the many many that become banks profit hugely from it.
Love the creativity but dreams don't come true only smart ideas do.


Active Member
1.when pot becomes legal, make a pill company that makes THC pills that cure "boredness and Nothing-to-do-ism"
I'd rather smoke :)

2.make a television company on channel 420 and have awesome stoner comedy movies and from 3-5 everyday am and pm, have awesome music to listen to when you're high.
You have to look at these: a bakery called "top of the muffin to ya" and specialize in muffins/cupcakes. this idea might also land us a tv show on TLC ( OR ON CHANNEL 420!)
This is weird, I mean theres a big enough market for; "people who are stoned and will eat heaps of shit regardless of taste" how come no big company caters for us?

5. make a pun book filled with every pun known to man and have it sorted based on best time to use it. for example, someones mother passed away and you want to lighten up the mood, so you break out the book, open it to 'friends parent died' and BAM you just earned yourself some brownie points on that hot peice of ass cousin you got
Don't we all ;)

7.make a new sitcom called "mr. awnsers" and have Jim Belushi as the main character be Kevin Windslow, a 45 year old father of 3 girls ages 5, 9, and 14. and the every show it would have the girls asking Kevin (their father) a question about life. but instead of awnsering the question, KEVIN FINDS A WAY TO AVOID IT!

-one scene from Mr.Awnsers-

Danielle (age 5): Daddy, whats "sex"?

studio audience laughs

Kevin: Ask me about that later honey..

studio audience laughs louder, and applaudes.(idk if thats spelt correctly)
Ha, sounds like a show I'd find on idiocracy.

8.make a cooking ware set called "Easy Baked" and it would have a hot plate, a mini fridge, and a toaster oven so people who want to cook with weedbut live with their family can make an awesome edibles set up outside in a tent or shed.
Or an odourless oven.

well im going to play ufc now, ill update this next time im high. feel free to add to it.
Play UFC? What are you a pussy? GO KICK SOMEONES ASS!


Active Member
3.make a cracker company and make the crackers in the shape of ducks and call them "quackers"
Im pretty sure ive seen these. like goldfishes. . . but they wernt fishes. a bakery called "top of the muffin to ya" and specialize in muffins/cupcakes. this idea might also land us a tv show on TLC ( OR ON CHANNEL 420!)
This came out on a Signfield episode.

9.hire "BadKittySmiles" to make the ultimate stoner guide to edibles and in the back of the book, i could write reveiws of how each recipe feels, rate the recipies out of 10, and each hour, record how im feeling and the effects the recipies are giving me.
It would depend on the weed at hand. and i think they would want to find out for themselves, rather then read your minute to minute account.
sorry, im not trying to be a hater


New Member
im writing all these while im high, so some of them might only be ones that i think are awesome when im high and probably worth like 5 cents.

BTW most of these are movie or tv show ideas because when im high i feel like i could be a writer on SNL or something and make awesome sketch comedies.

lets do this shit

1.when pot becomes legal, make a pill company that makes THC pills that cure "boredness and Nothing-to-do-ism"

2.make a television company on channel 420 and have awesome stoner comedy movies and from 3-5 everyday am and pm, have awesome music to listen to when you're high.

3.make a cracker company and make the crackers in the shape of ducks and call them "quackers" a bakery called "top of the muffin to ya" and specialize in muffins/cupcakes. this idea might also land us a tv show on TLC ( OR ON CHANNEL 420!)

5. make a pun book filled with every pun known to man and have it sorted based on best time to use it. for example, someones mother passed away and you want to lighten up the mood, so you break out the book, open it to 'friends parent died' and BAM you just earned yourself some brownie points on that hot peice of ass cousin you got

6. take a fabreeze bottle, rip off the label and put a different label with a pot leaf on it and sell it as "weed odor eliminator"

7.make a new sitcom called "mr. awnsers" and have Jim Belushi as the main character be Kevin Windslow, a 45 year old father of 3 girls ages 5, 9, and 14. and the every show it would have the girls asking Kevin (their father) a question about life. but instead of awnsering the question, KEVIN FINDS A WAY TO AVOID IT!

-one scene from Mr.Awnsers-

Danielle (age 5): Daddy, whats "sex"?

studio audience laughs

Kevin: Ask me about that later honey..

studio audience laughs louder, and applaudes.(idk if thats spelt correctly)

8.make a cooking ware set called "Easy Baked" and it would have a hot plate, a mini fridge, and a toaster oven so people who want to cook with weedbut live with their family can make an awesome edibles set up outside in a tent or shed.

9.hire "BadKittySmiles" to make the ultimate stoner guide to edibles and in the back of the book, i could write reveiws of how each recipe feels, rate the recipies out of 10, and each hour, record how im feeling and the effects the recipies are giving me.

well im going to play ufc now, ill update this next time im high.
feel free to add to it.
just skimming that, my mind read "daddy" and "sex"... I thought, Daddy sex is a stoner idea? I digress... flashing grinders... like a strobe light in your hand.


Active Member
number 2 for sure the rest ehh :/ a cafe is a good idea I had that idea I while back too we can talk buisness lol ;)


Active Member
Everyone has had the cafe idea in there head once or twice only problem is tht so have the people that already have millions of dollar and don't mind wasting a million dollars setting up something professional that will overtake any market for small businness' to run a cafe.