My Neighbour Needs Your Advice on his Plant


Well-Known Member
So back at the start of June I gave my neighbour an extra clone that I had. He grew a couple little plants last summer and was excited to try again.

I've been watching his plant gradually overtake mine in size since he put his into the ground while mine is in a container. It's now almost 6' tall and is over 6' in diameter at its widest point. It's looking great and is real healthy.

So last night I popped over to have a beer and the first thing his wife says is "it stinks! It's gotta go." I'm all like "whoah whoah whoah, let's not talk crazy here. That plant has minimum 3 weeks of maturing yet and it would be a real shame to chop it now." She tells me that she's concerned because the new neighbours on the other side of the fence have young kids and she's worried about getting off on the wrong foot with them...which I think is a reasonable concern.

So after negotiating with her a bit, I think I've bought him another week or two before she's going to make him cut it down. At least the buds will be a bit more mature by then.

I told her that I have thousands of helpful cannabis cultivation experts at my fingertips and that I would consult with you guys on your opinion. She likes that idea and is still open to possibly letting him keep her growing another few weeks. And make no mistake she wants some nice smoke out if it too.

So what do y'all think? If he has to cut it in the next week or so, how much potency and yield will he be losing out on over letting it go for another 3 weeks to a month? Is it still going to be decent smoke? She wants to have nice relaxing smoke - nothing too trippy or paranoia-inducing. For reference, she loves her hash. Any options to hide smell (im guessing not)? Any other advice? It would be such a shame to see a nice plant like this compromised.

Thanks for weighing in guys and gals.
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Edit: to clarify, I don't know the exact strain. All I was told was that it is a Kush, so that's a bit vague. It seems to be a hybrid though.
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Do the neighbours already know about the plant? If yes than just deal with the smell as to be a good neighbour, find something to mask it, doesn't need to be perfect, kids can think there's a skunk in the neighborhood for a few weeks. If they don't know about the plant then he may need to train/top it to keep it below fence line and disguise it better.

The wife seems to be flexible enough about it so just get your buddy to keep postponing cutting it down until it's a late as possible, 2 weeks into Oct it'll be ready enough even if it's not prime harvest time. And lets be honest she was cool with the plant the whole grow until recently so it's not like this was total curveball. If she brings up the plant tell your buddy to just change the topic the best he can, the constant chatter about yield etc. come harvest month could be what's gotten her more paranoid too, be less giddy about the grow and she won't think about it and won't care so much.
If your growing what would be the diffrence if your plant stink or there plants stink ? Either way it will stink ! maybe pitch it that way.
If your growing what would be the diffrence if your plant stink or there plants stink ? Either way it will stink ! maybe pitch it that way.
Oh my nice thinking.......if the wife makes you guys chop then you should just plant down your entire backyard and or vent your indoor rite in there direction ......she's acting like you guys are hiding nuggs in Easter eggs or something ........hhhhmmmmm. Easter egg nuggs .....Riu picnic type shit rite there
Do the neighbours already know about the plant? If yes than just deal with the smell as to be a good neighbour, find something to mask it, doesn't need to be perfect, kids can think there's a skunk in the neighborhood for a few weeks. If they don't know about the plant then he may need to train/top it to keep it below fence line and disguise it better.

The wife seems to be flexible enough about it so just get your buddy to keep postponing cutting it down until it's a late as possible, 2 weeks into Oct it'll be ready enough even if it's not prime harvest time. And lets be honest she was cool with the plant the whole grow until recently so it's not like this was total curveball. If she brings up the plant tell your buddy to just change the topic the best he can, the constant chatter about yield etc. come harvest month could be what's gotten her more paranoid too, be less giddy about the grow and she won't think about it and won't care so much.

Thanks's the honey clone doing? Funny that you are growing a clone from a sister clone to this clone :) I actually sent her the link to this thread so she may be on to us if we just avoid the topic. And I do t know if the neighbours know about the plant or not. The good thing is that they have some kind of a large bush and a shed on the other side of the fence so they don't get very close to it.

Get rid of the wife ..and X the new neighbors ...walla problem solved .....your welcome

Hahaha probably not an option but I appreciate your out-of-the box thinking Indacouch. She also is a sweetheart and a reeeally cool person. (And again I did send her the link to this thread)

I vote the plant is nowhere near done. Buds should double between now and then. Neighbors will have to deal with it for only a few weeks out of the year. Best luck

My thoughts exactomundo.

If your growing what would be the diffrence if your plant stink or there plants stink ? Either way it will stink ! maybe pitch it that way.

Well I should clarify that there is a house between me and them and the neighbour that they are concerned about is on the far side of their yard. Probably 100' between my plant and them. The smell from mine is a non-issue.

I have my own issue of a neighbour with kids who I don't really know very well right next to me. Only chain-link and a cedar hedge separating my plant and them. My feeling on it is :roll:. Whatev.
Attention Neighbors wife !
let the plant live do not
I repeat
Do not
Chop it early
In the big picture of life
It doesn't matter
ATTENTION WIFE!!!!!! you can tan in a skimpy swimsuit on your roof to draw attention away from the plant .....if your worried about smell drawing attention have your hubby put up a fake meth lab out by the fence and spray Stinkier chemicals all over your yard soon as the new neighbors see and smell it they will not come outside and won't let there kids play outside anymore .....if that's to extreme just have hubby set up a shooting range using the fence between your yard and the children's play area as the backstop .....good luck