my new clones are showing yellowing of leaves, planting tomorrow! help!

i got 9 clones today.. im very excited to plant. but im really worried about a couple. a couple of the leaves are a bit yellowish, and as you can see from the pics a couple of the tips of the leaves have turned brown... heres 2 pics, not the best quality since its from a cell and outdoors.. sry.

i would honestly be devasted if these clones died.. i've already worked so hard preparing a bed for them, im growing them in the forest and i had to replace most of the soil, its very rich, rich enough i dont have to fertilize until flowering and there is manure and grass clippings and other organic matter for the nitrogen..

will my plants be ok? what is wrong with them, and anything i can do to make them better? i dont want my baby girls to die :cry:

THANK YOU :peace: