My new grow location!


Well-Known Member
Morning all, Okay so last night i moved all my stuff from the cabnit to my closet. It's been in there for 12 hours now and the temps are much more stable then before.

Okay so i have my plant on a box to prob it up to my lights. I have 3x cfl 6500K 23 watt lights about 2 inchs from the plant. I have A 4" fan blowing inside the closet just above the plant to strenghten my stem. And i have a room fan oscilating outside of the closet to move air in and out of the closet. The doors never completly seal so it has lots of air movement in/out of the closet. Plus i have the window open just beside it. The temps are between 75-80 and Humidity is about 50-60. I have a Rescue blanket hanging in the closet just to reflect a little bit so the light doesnt go through the whole closet. Its not perfect, but its better then a big hole lol.

I tried to post pictures but for some reason it wont let me? Comes up and says notify your administrator. But i've been posting pictures all along? any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Here are the pictures. I finally got them to work. On the last picture of my plant. If you see it brown spots . Got any ideas what its from. The temps in the last grow space were like 80-95 so im thinking that might have done something . But my soil said it feeds the plant for 3 months so nutes shouldnt be a issue unless it's nute burn. But from pictures of heat burn/Nute burn It looks alot more like heat burn. What do you all think?


i'm growing my first grow. you really need to bury the stem up to the bottom of the plant. i am growing 9 plants and my first 2 i didnt leave enough room to bury the stems and i did in the rest. the rest are way further along at the same time as the first 2. so take it for what its worth. and foil burned my plants a litttle too. somaybe look at that? but good luck and i hope you get a nice little sexy fat female.


Well-Known Member
yeah i moved the plant. Its in that closet now like in the picture. It was in a little cabnit before and i think that is what hurt it cause the temps for crazy high. Its between 75-85 now i'd say. Depends what time of day.

You say i should bury the stem? how far should i bury it? is it becuase it stretched that much and no its weak?


Well-Known Member
Okay here is a little update. Got home from work this morning and it has grown even more. But im still stuck on the question whether to add more soil and cover most of my stem?

And another quick question. I use a moisture meter to check my soil and i try to just add little bits of water to keep it moist. Or should i add alot of water once a day and make the soil wet first thing in the morning and water it again the next morning?

