My new growth leaves coming out the top of the plant are turning yellow, (help) =[


Well-Known Member
My plant is three weeks old and it looked oh so sexy untill teh other day when the new leaves spouting out the top of the plant are turnign yellow. All the other leaves on the plant are still a green but im scared it's gonna die and me being a noob i prolly cry, the only way i want my plant to die is when i smoke it. so if there's anyone willing to give me advic i'd appreciate it.Oh and im usinsg the waterfarm setup not with the drip ring but with air stone so um ya, what should i do


Well-Known Member
:lol: That's ok, being stoned is a common ailment around here.

Alright, without pix, without knowing anything else about what's going on with your wee one, usually when you see yellowing it's a nitrogen problem. Nitrogen is one of the mobile elements and that means that it moves through the plant tissues quickly. My suggestion at this point is to try a VERY mild/weak fertilizer that's got a higher value of nitrogen. When I say weak I mean that you want to start at no more than 1/4-1/2 the recommended dose, ok?

When you're looking at fertilizers, they usually have three numbers on the container. For instance, my fish emulsion is 5-0-0. These numbers are always listed in the same order as N-P-K (nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium). So, my fish emulsion is 5% nitrogen, a whole lotta stink and nothing else. Make sense?


Well-Known Member
Well bro im growing it hydroponically, i have the plant in the red clay pebbles and i have the air stone giving it oxygen from under the water. I havent added any chemicals at all. The plant just started growing and still is, ive herd about ph and some other stuff and i was curious about that. I have a picture in my picture album thing in my profile on here, that pic was tooken a couple days back when the plant was healthy if possible check it out and tell me what you think. Im here at school so i cant post picture's lol thanks


Well-Known Member
More forum weirdness. You don't currently have an album (link takes me to a completely blank page).

Since it's hydro, I'm not the person to answer your questions.


Well-Known Member
aight thnks anyways, DAMN so im still looking for a answer ANYONE generous enough to give me one =]


Well-Known Member
SA, if the search function is working, look around for Al B. Fuct and his threads/posts. He recently left us (major boo hoo-age), but his threads are legendary. You may find information much more specific to your set-up, and maybe get more questions than this one answered. Best of luck!