My new problem - wilting mother


Well-Known Member
I had moved my mothers out of my veg tent and set them up in another area. Who cares right. What I did is I gave them a nice dose of RO water and then put them in their new spot.

They are about 20 inches tall 4 of them in all. Three are looking good but one is wilting. The one that is wilting still has wet soil the others have dried up. The pots they are in are about five-six inches tall and about four-five inches across at the top.

Are the pots to small for them at this height = root bound.
Did I drown the one wilting?
If I repot them will the one that is stressed freak out and die on me. Any steps to make sure this doesnt happen. Noob only transplanted my first set from the veg room to the flower room before hydro and dont know if I should do anything special for the soil ones.


Well-Known Member
Did you wait too long to water them? Or they are overfed but like my good man mrghettogrower stated it would be alot easier to tell with some pics..


Well-Known Member
I dont think I waited to long to water them. I did water them a good one last Saturday. The others need watering again. Going to re-pot them now.




Well-Known Member
I had moved my mothers out of my veg tent and set them up in another area
. Who cares right. What I did is I gave them a nice dose of RO water and then put them in their new spot.

They are about 20 inches tall 4 of them in all. Three are looking good but one is wilting. The one that is wilting still has wet soil the others have dried up. The pots they are in are about five-six inches tall and about four-five inches across at the top.

Are the pots to small for them at this height = root bound.
Did I drown the one wilting?
If I repot them will the one that is stressed freak out and die on me. Any steps to make sure this doesnt happen. Noob only transplanted my first set from the veg room to the flower room before hydro and dont know if I should do anything special for the soil ones.
N0 the relocation has stressed it. It will be fine in a week or so, no nutes till then and let medium dry between watering.


Well-Known Member
All I did was move it from one side of the basement to the other. It was more stress for me because I had to bend over.

Like I said the other plants have dry dirt now this one still has wet. My friend even stuck in a leaf saying it would grow and thething is still alive because it is so wet.

At any rate I am going to re-pot them they will need it sooner or later


Well-Known Member
It hasnt perked up yet after I re-potted it. Any suggestions? The roots didnt look any different than the other three, and the soil wasnt to wet but it was a little wetter compared to the others.


Well-Known Member
water it, water it water it..... you can tell when they need to be watered by lifting your pots and feeling the weight of them.


Well-Known Member
She was fine before I moved her. I did give her a big big drink of just RO water and placed her in the new spot. The others pots went dry to the tough but the one stayed wet and drooped down. Same lighting and all just moved her across the room. The others are doing ok. I did re-pot it to a bigger container and have watered it to see if it will snap out of it.


Well-Known Member
She has come back a little bit some of the stems are returning most is still drooping and the dirt in the pot is still wet.


Well-Known Member
Most of the plant has returned. There maybe the top and a couple of stems that hasnt fully recovered yet.

What gets me is that the dirt is still wet on the top and I have just watered it a little and I mean a little but the other three I have watered three times and they have gone dry each time.