My New SEt Up


Active Member
So I have been doing my research on how to start growing. I have a limited budget, but have almost everything I need now I think.

I ordered a 4 site DWC kit from stealth hydro with all the nutrients ect. for 85

I ordered the classic pack from (10 Northern Lights, 10 Bubblegum, 10 Big Bud) for 85

I am still conflicted with my lighting situation, but am planning on ordering a 150W HPS Sun system set up. Will 150W be enough for four plants? Also, I have come to the conclusion that if I am only using one light HPS is the way to go, is that true? If not, how do conversion bulbs work?

I plan to set it all up in my closet, light about 8 inches from the plants, start a 23 hour on, 1 hour off veg cycle.

Will it all work? Does anyone have any idea the possible realistic yield of my first try? Any advice is good advice, thanks!


Well-Known Member
So I have been doing my research on how to start growing. I have a limited budget, but have almost everything I need now I think.

I ordered a 4 site DWC kit from stealth hydro with all the nutrients ect. for 85

I ordered the classic pack from (10 Northern Lights, 10 Bubblegum, 10 Big Bud) for 85

I am still conflicted with my lighting situation, but am planning on ordering a 150W HPS Sun system set up. Will 150W be enough for four plants? Also, I have come to the conclusion that if I am only using one light HPS is the way to go, is that true? If not, how do conversion bulbs work?

I plan to set it all up in my closet, light about 8 inches from the plants, start a 23 hour on, 1 hour off veg cycle.

Will it all work? Does anyone have any idea the possible realistic yield of my first try? Any advice is good advice, thanks!
Ok if you are gonna grow four plants understand this

Each plants requires a minimum of 2000 lumens just to grow but ideally you want 7000 - 10000 per plant

That is assuming a square foot per plant.

Your sun system 150 hps kicks out 16,000 lumens

so after you divide by 4 you are giving each plant about 4,000 lumens.

This is just my opinion but i would definately give them some more light.

Get some cfl's and add them to your grow room

Now I always suggest to first time growers to start with soil rather than a hydro system.

There is too great a chance to mess things up.

However since you have already purchased equipment you kinda already started.

Hope my advice helps

Also they are a many expert here that can help you also

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
I concur, you need more light if you wanna grow anything worth the effort. Place a few cfls around the sides of the grow area, close to the plants so they light the areas the hps doesn't reach so well. HPS will work ok for both stages of the plants life cycle, just be careful not to have it too close to seedlings or newly rooted clones, as they are easier to stress from the heat.
Adjust your light so that you can comfortably hold your hand, palm down, underneath it right above where your plant is. For young plants add 4-6 inch and gradually lower it an inch or so every couple of days until it's at the point described above.
As it's your first try, yield is entirely dependant on how many/what mistakes you make tbh! Espec. with hydro, based what I understand from friends that use them, it's pretty easy to fuck up the nutes when you're learning, and more so if you havn't had experience spotting deficiencies and treating them quickly.
I know some people thrive when they throw themselves in the deep end, so I just hope you're one of those people!
Lastly, you don't mention anything about ventilation/odour control in your post, or is that something yet to be done? Good ventilation and a supply of fresh air are essential for healthy plants, and a room with an HID light in will need cooling to maintain a temp of around 85 degrees, which will let the plants thrive.
Any questions?


Active Member
I concur, you need more light if you wanna grow anything worth the effort. Place a few cfls around the sides of the grow area, close to the plants so they light the areas the hps doesn't reach so well. HPS will work ok for both stages of the plants life cycle, just be careful not to have it too close to seedlings or newly rooted clones, as they are easier to stress from the heat.
Adjust your light so that you can comfortably hold your hand, palm down, underneath it right above where your plant is. For young plants add 4-6 inch and gradually lower it an inch or so every couple of days until it's at the point described above.
As it's your first try, yield is entirely dependant on how many/what mistakes you make tbh! Espec. with hydro, based what I understand from friends that use them, it's pretty easy to fuck up the nutes when you're learning, and more so if you havn't had experience spotting deficiencies and treating them quickly.
I know some people thrive when they throw themselves in the deep end, so I just hope you're one of those people!
Lastly, you don't mention anything about ventilation/odour control in your post, or is that something yet to be done? Good ventilation and a supply of fresh air are essential for healthy plants, and a room with an HID light in will need cooling to maintain a temp of around 85 degrees, which will let the plants thrive.
Any questions?

thanks for your advice on the lights, I'll pick up some CFL's as well.

For ventilation I plan on using standard fans, to cool and ventilate and strengthen the stems. For odor I think I'm gettin some odor killing gel, something with ozium in it. Any suggestions? thanks again


Active Member
Thanks for the advice, I know a took a big risk but I'm lookin for that big reward! I'll get some CFL's for sure


Active Member
I am thinking of stepping it up to the 250W, then i'll get about 7000 lumens for each plant. Any odor controlling product you recommend? there seem to be a lot and I can't tell what will work best. my seeds arrived today, and my DWC system shipped so I'm getting very excited! also, any good books you recommend? I figure I'm gonna have to do some reading

thanks again!:peace:

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Make sure you get the right spectrum cfls, should have mentioned before you want 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower.
I'm not sure what you mean by standard fans, there are many different types, but I've not heard of any referred to as standard! Do you mean oscillating desk fans? If so they are great for circulating the air, and as you said, strengthening the stems, but you need some form of extraction to get the hot, stale air out and draw fresh, cool air in. Inline fans work but aren't very powerful, centrifugal ones are much better and barely cost any more for the size, but tend to flow a lot more air.
As for odour control the only thing I've ever used is a carbon filter, and they work great, although you might not have room for it, they tend to be quite bulky. I've heard good things about Ona gel, but hesitate to recommend anything that I haven't personally witnessed at work.
I don't hold a lot of faith in grow books, the ones I've seen tend to contradict a lot of the common knowledge that you'll find on here. Shit like useing birth control pills to feminise seeds ffs! I'd stick to reading the growfaq at the top of the page if I were you, that has pretty much all the info you'll need. Also check out the stickys in the indoor growing forum, lots of good info there.


Active Member
Yeah I did mean desk fans haha but I'll look into the centrifugals. thats lame about books but oh well I've been learning a lot on here thanks again for your help