Phew.. fair warning. This is gonna be a wall of text. So you better light up with me 
A Long, LONG time ago I smoked weed for the first time. I think I was around 13-14 maybe a Freshman in highschool when I had my first bowl. Pineapple Express, the most giggle intensive high I’d ever had. Laughed with my buddy for hours. I tried a puff of some random skunk weed a buddy had. Some engine grease smelling stuff, no idea what it was called but tasted whack!
I lived with my mother up to the age of 18, I was a relatively good kid, didn’t do drugs, didn’t have sex, or let alone date any girls. I was smart when I was younger but those video games really kill any ambition I had
. Anyways For whatever unbenounced reason my mother decided it was a swell day to kick me out. Why you may ask? I didn’t do the dishes. Yes. I hadn’t done the dishes. At this point though i was working 12 hour days and was beat after a long week but you know how it goes.
I graduated in 2015 with a mediocre GPA, no ambition to go to college let alone what for, and no cash. I landed myself a respectable job in the Pharma-Manufacturing industry for a reputable company. It was around this time that I felt on top of the world, regardless of my severed connection and relationship with my mother. That’s okay. At the time I was with a beautiful young girl I went to highschool with, she was a Freshman to my senior, yes I was called a pedo once for a 3 year difference 16-19. We started dating roughly after I turned 18. We stayed together for quite a long time albeit 2 and a half years, we were devoted to each other.
At the time I believed in true love
Needless to say i learned a harsh lesson that day. That day was a Thanksgiving day, why she decided to leave me on the day I had to spend with my broken family is beyond me, but the past is the past. At this point I respect her and appreciate the time she spent with me. It will travel with me till the day I die. After the breakup I eventually felt severed from the world again. I had no emotional connection in my life. An empty void of work and sleep.
This was about 2 years ago. I slipped into some serious depression periods that followed with small hints of suicide. Though I know that I’m not weak enough to take my own life. This is when I found myself watching smoking videos and smoking etiquette. At that point I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, I bought a Klein reclaimer and an 1/8th of Grand Daddy Purple from a friend who new a guy. To this day, that was the greatest experience in my life. Not only did it completely and ruthlessly kill my depression but it gave me a new view on the world. I began to notice the beauty in the world and in life.
I began reading Philosophy, expanded my mind a bit and riseed above the simple emotions that I previously let control my life. I continued to smoke, and I continued to get roasted. Brain dead high for 8 months. Granted my tolerance then wasn’t anything so I could make an OZ last for almost 3 months. At this time I meet my current girlfriend, she’s amazing and does everything in her power to make me happy and to take care of me and for this I appreciate her unbenounced.
After my mother kicked me out Ioved to my grandmother and bless her soul for being like a mother to me all my life because at that time I really needed it, but with my girlfriend it was time to move. I know what you’re going to say BUT I moved in with her and her parents paying small amounts of “rent”. After almost 8 months her pot head father had begun asking me about cannabis plants, or joking about growing if he could. And at that point I soon became interested in the plant, how it grew, the terp profiles, everything about the cultivation excited me. After I picked up some knowledge, on a HOT sunshiny day in July her dad approached me with his friend and asked if I knew the difference between a male and female plant. I knew 100% and threw out the awnser and reluctantly asked why.
Outside in a little flower pot were two baby seedlings just stretching their Coytledons. They were so precious and I became fascinated and in love with them. I proceeded to veg for 8 weeks with natural sun and at about 2 feet tall and 300-400$ later set them up in the garage with a tent and a light. We had no tempature control in the garage seeing how it was detached. But I grew those ladies out to the end. Suffering high 90 degree tempatures and rainy periods of 70-80% humidity for multiple days in a row. One fell subject to Nanners and was sent to the chop block. The other was surrounded by 5 more small foot tall plants in small 5 gal smart pots.
At the end of this harvest came pack up day, around late October. Temps reached as far down as 50’s and we struggled to heat the tent with a small space heater. This was my first lesson in pheno expressions. My two queens of those 5 plants were a fruity almost artificial grape smelling bush. She was lime green and covered in trichomes the other was a thicker and denser lemon and pine. Up to this point I’ve not been fortunate enough to know what I was growing, mystery beans eh?
Needless to say I over dried all 5 plants and they lost most of their terp profiles. I lost the grape smell and was replaced with a Dill Pickle/Green tea smell. To which I harvested about 5 oz (3 off the first 2 and 1 for each of the 5 plants). I W A S A D D I C T E D.
I began planning my next grow. Sour Diesel for pain, or maybe Strawberry Diesel for the taste. Well at this time we have recently moved to our new apartment. I brought all my gear and set up shop in my basement. I proceeded to pop 9 mystery beans while ordering some of my first seeds. To ensure I still could effectively grow. Of all 9, 5 made it to transplant and veg, two of which died to some unknown reason, most likely root disease. 2 of which are growing phenomenonaly and the other is recovering from the root ailment.
After this grow finished up in 5-8 weeks. I’m finally setting myself up for a real grow, real genetics, a actual and effective super soil mix. Not limited by my cash flow as I’ve finally gotten it all together. I grow in a 8x4x6.7 Mylar Hydroplanet grow tent. Vented with 2 Terabloom duct fans for constant airflow and positive pressuring of the tent. I have these couples with some small Honeywell fans to blow air on branches and roots to keep them cool. All thanks to our central air and he release of air in the basement I have managed to grow under a 600w Metal Halide (for veg of course) and HPS. I grow in soil, though considering aero/hydro for now I am sticking to super soil. My past mix was a Peat moss/Humus mixture with plenty of aeration amendments (perlite) lime dust and dry top fertilizer. Cycled with plain water. This time around I’ll be picking up a Fox Farm: Ocean Forest base with Worm Gold Worm castings for microbe life. Along with the other fore mentioned and activated with Urb for better microbe life diversity.
This grow will consist of a No-name Sour Diesel, a Midweek song Girl Scout Cookie, a Midweek Song’s Grand Daddy Purple, and a Green House Jack herer. I’m beyond excited to grow these and Journal every detail (for once
) If anyone has any tips and experience handling these lines of genetics some input would be amazing! I’m new to pH management, with my Oakton I can measure PPM but have yet to figure out how it works so bear with me!
It’s at this point in my life, my connisour-esq attitude that I smoke on this White Fire OG Sativa and bask at the masters. I haven’t read any books since highschool and just recently I’ve picked up DJ Short’s Cultivating Exceptional Cannabis and Ed Rosenthal’s Grow Bible. If I had the cash I’d pick up Jorge Cerventas’s Encyclopedia but I digress. I want to move again soon and get into the legal buisness. With some education in Molecular Biology and Botany (plus with a horticulture certificate) and my background in Pharma and FDA regulation I am a prime canadite to head an industrial garden or extraction facility. I have realized this is my calling.. My own breeding program will come one day, I’ve even got my parents chosen, if I can ever find some seeds
Thanks for hearing my story, may you have the dankest of nugs come your way for the rest of your blessed lives!

A Long, LONG time ago I smoked weed for the first time. I think I was around 13-14 maybe a Freshman in highschool when I had my first bowl. Pineapple Express, the most giggle intensive high I’d ever had. Laughed with my buddy for hours. I tried a puff of some random skunk weed a buddy had. Some engine grease smelling stuff, no idea what it was called but tasted whack!
I lived with my mother up to the age of 18, I was a relatively good kid, didn’t do drugs, didn’t have sex, or let alone date any girls. I was smart when I was younger but those video games really kill any ambition I had

I graduated in 2015 with a mediocre GPA, no ambition to go to college let alone what for, and no cash. I landed myself a respectable job in the Pharma-Manufacturing industry for a reputable company. It was around this time that I felt on top of the world, regardless of my severed connection and relationship with my mother. That’s okay. At the time I was with a beautiful young girl I went to highschool with, she was a Freshman to my senior, yes I was called a pedo once for a 3 year difference 16-19. We started dating roughly after I turned 18. We stayed together for quite a long time albeit 2 and a half years, we were devoted to each other.
At the time I believed in true love

This was about 2 years ago. I slipped into some serious depression periods that followed with small hints of suicide. Though I know that I’m not weak enough to take my own life. This is when I found myself watching smoking videos and smoking etiquette. At that point I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, I bought a Klein reclaimer and an 1/8th of Grand Daddy Purple from a friend who new a guy. To this day, that was the greatest experience in my life. Not only did it completely and ruthlessly kill my depression but it gave me a new view on the world. I began to notice the beauty in the world and in life.
I began reading Philosophy, expanded my mind a bit and riseed above the simple emotions that I previously let control my life. I continued to smoke, and I continued to get roasted. Brain dead high for 8 months. Granted my tolerance then wasn’t anything so I could make an OZ last for almost 3 months. At this time I meet my current girlfriend, she’s amazing and does everything in her power to make me happy and to take care of me and for this I appreciate her unbenounced.
After my mother kicked me out Ioved to my grandmother and bless her soul for being like a mother to me all my life because at that time I really needed it, but with my girlfriend it was time to move. I know what you’re going to say BUT I moved in with her and her parents paying small amounts of “rent”. After almost 8 months her pot head father had begun asking me about cannabis plants, or joking about growing if he could. And at that point I soon became interested in the plant, how it grew, the terp profiles, everything about the cultivation excited me. After I picked up some knowledge, on a HOT sunshiny day in July her dad approached me with his friend and asked if I knew the difference between a male and female plant. I knew 100% and threw out the awnser and reluctantly asked why.
Outside in a little flower pot were two baby seedlings just stretching their Coytledons. They were so precious and I became fascinated and in love with them. I proceeded to veg for 8 weeks with natural sun and at about 2 feet tall and 300-400$ later set them up in the garage with a tent and a light. We had no tempature control in the garage seeing how it was detached. But I grew those ladies out to the end. Suffering high 90 degree tempatures and rainy periods of 70-80% humidity for multiple days in a row. One fell subject to Nanners and was sent to the chop block. The other was surrounded by 5 more small foot tall plants in small 5 gal smart pots.
At the end of this harvest came pack up day, around late October. Temps reached as far down as 50’s and we struggled to heat the tent with a small space heater. This was my first lesson in pheno expressions. My two queens of those 5 plants were a fruity almost artificial grape smelling bush. She was lime green and covered in trichomes the other was a thicker and denser lemon and pine. Up to this point I’ve not been fortunate enough to know what I was growing, mystery beans eh?

I began planning my next grow. Sour Diesel for pain, or maybe Strawberry Diesel for the taste. Well at this time we have recently moved to our new apartment. I brought all my gear and set up shop in my basement. I proceeded to pop 9 mystery beans while ordering some of my first seeds. To ensure I still could effectively grow. Of all 9, 5 made it to transplant and veg, two of which died to some unknown reason, most likely root disease. 2 of which are growing phenomenonaly and the other is recovering from the root ailment.
After this grow finished up in 5-8 weeks. I’m finally setting myself up for a real grow, real genetics, a actual and effective super soil mix. Not limited by my cash flow as I’ve finally gotten it all together. I grow in a 8x4x6.7 Mylar Hydroplanet grow tent. Vented with 2 Terabloom duct fans for constant airflow and positive pressuring of the tent. I have these couples with some small Honeywell fans to blow air on branches and roots to keep them cool. All thanks to our central air and he release of air in the basement I have managed to grow under a 600w Metal Halide (for veg of course) and HPS. I grow in soil, though considering aero/hydro for now I am sticking to super soil. My past mix was a Peat moss/Humus mixture with plenty of aeration amendments (perlite) lime dust and dry top fertilizer. Cycled with plain water. This time around I’ll be picking up a Fox Farm: Ocean Forest base with Worm Gold Worm castings for microbe life. Along with the other fore mentioned and activated with Urb for better microbe life diversity.
This grow will consist of a No-name Sour Diesel, a Midweek song Girl Scout Cookie, a Midweek Song’s Grand Daddy Purple, and a Green House Jack herer. I’m beyond excited to grow these and Journal every detail (for once

It’s at this point in my life, my connisour-esq attitude that I smoke on this White Fire OG Sativa and bask at the masters. I haven’t read any books since highschool and just recently I’ve picked up DJ Short’s Cultivating Exceptional Cannabis and Ed Rosenthal’s Grow Bible. If I had the cash I’d pick up Jorge Cerventas’s Encyclopedia but I digress. I want to move again soon and get into the legal buisness. With some education in Molecular Biology and Botany (plus with a horticulture certificate) and my background in Pharma and FDA regulation I am a prime canadite to head an industrial garden or extraction facility. I have realized this is my calling.. My own breeding program will come one day, I’ve even got my parents chosen, if I can ever find some seeds

Thanks for hearing my story, may you have the dankest of nugs come your way for the rest of your blessed lives!
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