My older leaves have holes (other questions inside)


Well-Known Member
Hey smokers!
I decided to add to my hydro grow 2 masterkush plants vegging outside (its been 4 weeks, slow, not a lot of sun...shit french weather), and then indoor under cfl once obtained. The leaves look green and healthy, im using some generic compost fertiziled potting soil I bought at the local garderners shop. I see that my first set of leaves ( 3 prongue) are being eaten away and having clear holes in them, im about to get another shoot of 5 pronque leaves and those are ok. Should I start adding nutes? What should I look for in a product if I need to get a pesticide? I don't know a lot about outdoor but should I expect the plants to get roughed up?

Note: I want these plants to have a lot of shoots to clone, is it possible that since these feminized seeds were raised outdoor, their clones will be more resistant and fit for an indoor grow? Do clones only pick up traits that their mother seed had, or traits that the mother had to develop from its environment?

Good Growing!