My Oregano!


I'm over wintering some oregano but wondering, how long does it take to grow? I been growing a patch of it in a single pot since September but it still looks like green specks. Can anybody tell me if there's something wrong or is it just natural??:wall:

mayor juana

Active Member
Oregano and Thyme are super slow starters and need TLC for months. If you loosen up your soil a little they’ll dry out quicker and grow a little faster.


with these kind of herbs (oregano, basil, thyme, etc.) whats the best way to store these herbs? I'm getting some beautiful basil and coriander from a friend tomorrow and want to store them for a few days... should i throw them in the fridge? put them in water?



Well-Known Member
I'd wet down the rootball then wra[p it in moist newspaper, but realy, it takes only a few seconds to dig a hole...
I have the mobility of a geriatric, and I can do it.

Norcal Grower

Well-Known Member
Oregano grows very slowly, especially in the winter months. Make sure they aren't exposed to a bad frost (especially mexican oregano), you may want to cover them if that happens. Keep taking care of your plants and when spring comes along, I'm sure you'll see some more satisfying growth! I've had tiny oregano plants turn into bushes that I've had to cut back every year.
Good luck and happy growing