My outdoor crop plans


Active Member
Just want to tell you guys what I am doing this year so if I am making any mistakes you can let me know before I screw it up. Ive started 21 plants indoors 12 Early Birds 60% sativa 40% indica and 9 Mother Early Birds that are 80 20. I am going to let them grow for 2 weeks max under tubular fluorescents they are 48 inch 35 watts and theres 2 bulbs. Will this be enough light for seedlings? Once I move them outside I plan to keep them in large pots filled with a mixture of soil and sheep manure and feed them 25 10 10 fertilizer until they are ready to flower then I'll put them on something like a 10 15 10 until a few weeks before harvest. Does this sound alright to you? this is my second season making homegrown and it went ok last year but i really want to improve this year. Thanks for any comments


Well-Known Member
every thing i say is for entertainment...
take t easy with the chems dont want to stunt for first 2 weeks then grad. add nuets when flowering comes go with something like 0-10-10 last 1-2 weeks of flower go big w something like 0-40-0 then flush 1 week after this it will be kill. Oh and add some molassis to your plants tbl spoon to a gallon of water. Blackstrap i think...